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346 Los(e)/Seite
Ein Abonnement der Preisliste ist notwendig um Ergebnisse, von Auktionen die vor einem längeren Zeitraum als 10 Tagen stattgefunden haben, ansehen zu können. Klicken Sie hier für mehr Informationen
Egypt Steatite Scarab
Egypt Steatite Scarab with Horus symbol, sculpted and hieroglyphs on the underside, middle or new Kingdom, length 1,3cm. The hammer price will go ...
Egypt ceramic Goodness
Egypt ceramic Goodness, bearded face, turquoise collours , damages, late or ptolomaic periode , length 4,5cm The hammer price will go directly to...
Egypt Steatite Scarab
Egypt Steatite Scarab,sculpted with hieroglyphs on the underside , middle or new Kingdom , 2cm lengthThe hammer price will go directly to the soci...
Egypt ceramic Goodness
Egypt ceramic Goodness, bearded face, turquoise collours , demages, late or ptolomaic periode , length 3,5cm The hammer price will go directly to...
Egypt Steatite Scarab
Egypt Steatite Scarab,sculpted with hieroglyphs on the underside , middle or new Kingdom ,length 1,5 cm The hammer price will go directly to the s...
Egypt Gold Ring
Egypt gold Ring, with nude femal portrait and decorations , ptolemaic periode, diameter 1,8 cm The hammer price will go directly to the social he...
Egypt Green jasper Scarab, sculpted, late Kingdom, length1,5cm The hammer price will go directly to the social help of the Caritas of Vienna, Prov...
Egypt Stone Heqet
Egypt Stone Heqet, sculpted with one eylet, middle or new Kingdom length 3,8 cm The hammer price will go directly to the social help of the Carita...
Egypt Steatite Scarab
Egypt Steatite Scarab,sculpted with hieroglyphs on the underside , middle or new Kingdom , length 1,4cmThe hammer price will go directly to the so...
Egypt Bronze Nephthys
Egypt Bronze Nephthys, cast with verdis gris,ptolomäic periode , 3,6 cm length The hammer price will go directly to the social help of the Carita...
Egypt Ceramic Scarab
Egypt Ceramic Scarab, with hieroglyphs on the underside , remains of glaze, middle or new kingdom, length 1,4 cm The hammer price will go directly...
Egypt Bronze Ichneumon
Egypt Bronze Ichneumon, cast with 3 eylets, verdis gris, ptolomäic periode lenght 2,5 cm The hammer price will go directly to the social help of t...
Egypt ore Middle East ceramic Ant, oval shape , probably ptolomeic ore roman periode 1,8 cm The hammer price will go directly to the social help...
Egypt Eye of Horus
Egypt Eye of Horus , ceramic remins of blue glaze open work, later periode. Size 2,8x2,3cm The hammer price will go directly to the social help of...
Middle East Carneol Gemstone
Middle East Carneol Gemstone, round with inscriptions, late or later periode diameter 1,3 cm The hammer price will go directly to the social help...
Egypt Gemstone godness
Egypt Gemstone godness, rectangular with sculpted female gondess , polished, ptolemaic periode length 1,2cm The hammer price will go directly to...
Egypt Lapis Lazuli Scarab
Egypt Lapis Lazuli Scarab, sculpted middle or late Kingdom , length 1,7 cm The hammer price will go directly to the social help of the Caritas of...
Egypt Djed Pillar
Egypt Djed Pillar , ceramic blue glazed, late periode between 600-300 B.C.E 3 cm long The hammer price will go directly to the social help of the ...
Egypt Steatite Scarab
Egypt Steatite Scarab,sculpted with hieroglyphs on the underside , middle or new Kingdom ,1,4cm The hammer price will go directly to the social he...
Egypt Silver Ring
Egypt silver Ring with two snake heads in the centre bee, demages roman periode 1.-3. century A.D. , diameter 2,9 cm The hammer price will go dir...
Egypt Stillstone Scarab
Egypt Stillstone Scarab, sculpted with a symbol on the underside , possibly XI Dynastie, length 1,5cm The hammer price will go directly to the soc...
Egypt Bronze hand torso
Egypt Bronze hand Torso , casted holding two balls, dark patina, roman periode 1.-3. century A.D. 3 cm longThe hammer price will go directly to t...
Egypt Green jasper Scarab
Egypt Green jasper Scarab, sculpted with hieroglyphs on the underside, late Kingdom,1,8 cm lengthThe hammer price will go directly to the social h...
Middle East stone script roll, with scratched script signs on red hardstone, central holeparts missing, possible 1round 1000 B.E.C. length 3cmThe...
Egypt Lapis Lazuli Scarab
Egypt Lapis Lazuli Scarab, sculpted middle or late Kingdom , length 1,6 cmThe hammer price will go directly to the social help of the Caritas of ...
Egypt Glass Nephthys
Egypt blue Glass Nephthys.late periode 7.-3. B.C.E. length 4,3 cm The hammer price will go directly to the social help of the Caritas of Vienna...
Egypt Carnelian Scarab
Egypt Carnelian Scarab, sculpted in light red on the underside Anubis and Pharao, New Kingdom , length 1,7 cmThe hammer price will go directly t...
Middle East Metal Ring
Middle East Metal Ring, decorated with two Lions , bull and face, demages, possibly ancientThe hammer price will go directly to the social help of...
Egypt Steatite Scarab
Egypt Steatite Scarab,sculpted with hieroglyphs on the underside , middle or new Kingdom ,length1,4cm The hammer price will go directly to the soc...
Egypt Bronze Harpokrates
Egypt Bronze Harpokrates, cast dark patina, Roman periode 1.-3. Century A.D.length 3,6 cm The hammer price will go directly to the social help of ...
Egypt stone amulet
Egypt stone amulet, in heart shape black and greenish gry collours sculpted, ptolemaic periode length 2,5cm The hammer price will go directly to...
Egypt Bronze Amulet
Egypt Bronze Amulet, Anubis and Chnum, round plate with extension, cast with original patina, Ptolomeic periode, size 3x2,3cm The hammer price wil...
Egypt Amulet Duamutef
Egypt Amulet Duamutef, Bronze cast, verdis gris, two eylets, late periode 7.-3. B.C.E., 4 cm longThe hammer price will go directly to the social ...
Egypt Gold Ring with gemstone,red colloured, seating greek godness,,ptolomeic periode, diameter 2 cm The hammer price will go directly to the so...
Egypt Granite-Stone Scarab
Egypt Granite-Stone Scarab, sculpted with symbols and scripts signs on the underside, middle or new kingdom, length 1,1 cm The hammer price will g...
Egypt Ram Amulet
Egypt Ram Amulet, ceramic glazed , eylet later periode, length 2,8 cm The hammer price will go directly to the social help of the Caritas of Vien...
Egypt or Middle East Slate elipse, sculpted on the underside with fish, drill hole , late periode , length 2cm The hammer price will go directly t...
Egypt Elipsis
Egypt Elipsis, gemstone or simiilaire, remisns of mounting or symbols, length 1,5cm The hammer price will go directly to the social help of the Ca...
Egypt Bronze Anubis
Egypt Bronze Anubis,cast with verdis gris one eylet, coronated, late Kingdom or Ptolomäic periode ,lenght 3,5cmThe hammer price will go directly ...
Egypt Glass Nephthys
Egypt Glass Nephthys,blue collour, late periode 7.-3. B.C.E. length 3,6cm The hammer price will go directly to the social help of the Caritas of ...
Egypt Granite Wedjat Eye
Egypt Granite Wedjat Eye . Black and white collours polished , Intermediate ore Late periode , size 3x,2,5cm The hammer price will go directly to ...
Egypt or Middle East Standing female sculpture, Nude , carved , remains of collours, late Kingdom, length 7,4cm The hammer price will go directly...
Two Alabaster ore steatite crosses , probably Middle East , probably ancient 3 and 2,5 cm The hammer price will go directly to the social help of...
Egypt Lapis lazuli Toth
Egypt Lapis lazuli Toth, sculpted, demages, Later periode high 2,7 cm The hammer price will go directly to the social help of the Caritas of Vien...
Egypt Green jasper Scarab
Egypt Green jasper Scarab, sculpted with white and black inclusions, late Kingdom, 2,3 cm The hammer price will go directly to the social help o...
Egypt granite Steele
Egypt granite Steele, with sculpted script signs ond symnbols on both sides, vertical drill hole in the centre , grey stone with white inclus...
Egypt Green jasper Scarab
Egypt Green jasper Scarab, sculpted , on the underside symbold and script signs, New Kingdom gold mount probably gfrom later date , size 2,7x2,4...
Egypt Steatite Scarab
Egypt Steatite Scarab,sculpted with hieroglyphs on the underside , middle or new Kingdom , length 1,5cm The hammer price will go directly to the s...
Egypt Steatite Scarab
Egypt Steatite Scarab,sculpted with hieroglyphs on the underside , middle or new Kingdom , length 1,6cm The hammer price will go directly to the s...
Syracuse, Decadrachme
Syracuse Decadrachme, Silver Coin, with the head of Arethusa Dolphins and description, on the other side the quadriga with Triskelis, 4.-5. cent...
Egypt Carnelian Scarab
Egypt Carnelian Scarab, sculpted, script signs on the underside, demages, middle or new Kingdom, length, 1,3cm The hammer price will go directly ...
Egypt Gemstone scarab gold ring, sculpted on the underside with script signs , dark red stone collour,middle ore late kingdom the gold mounted ...
Egypt Green jasper Scarab
Egypt green jasper Scarab, sculpted, underside with geometrical design, New Kingdom,length 1,7 cm The hammer price will go directly to the social...
Egypt Gold Ring with Carneo Intaglio, gem sculpted animal demages roman egypt periode 2.-4. century A.D. size 2x2,2 cm The hammer price will go d...
Pair of Centaurus after the Ancient, at the Villa Adriana in Tivoli. Sculpted white marble with grey veins. A pair, 50 x 34 cm.
Taddeo Gaddi (1290-1366)-taste of, gold crowned panel female saint. On wooden board. Damages, parts missing. 40 x 24 cm.
Hercules Torso
Hercules Torso, in standing position. Parts missing. Earthware. Remains of old colours and restorations. Damages. On a later iron stand. 48 cm hi...
Pere Serra (active 1357-1406)-follower,, Maria with the Infant surrounded by angels. Oil on board in integrated gilded frame with decorations in g...
Istrian Stone Plate
Istrian Stone Plate, in romanic manner, white chalk stone with ornamental decorations in relief design and inscriptions. 71 x 44 cm.
Giuseppe Arcimboldo (1526-1593) – follower, pair of paintings Primavera and Autunno. Oil on canvas. Framed. 50 x 40 cm.
346 Los(e)/Seite