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2212 Los(e)

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  • 2212 Los(e)

'NEU POLIRTER GESCHICHT- KUNST- UND SITTEN-SPIEGEL AUSLÄNDISCHER VÖLCKER (...) Erasmus Francisci, Johann Andre. Endters und Wolfgang des Jüngeren ...

UDERZO ALBERT: (1927-2020) French comic book artist, co-creator and illustrator of the Asterix series. Signed colour 7 x 5 photograph of the artis...

COCTEAU JEAN: (1889-1963) French poet, playwright, novelist, artist, filmmaker and critic. Autograph Note, unsigned, one page, 8vo, n.p. (Paris) n...

KOESTLER ARTHUR: (1905-1983) Hungarian-born British author and journalist. D.S., Arthur Koestler, two pages, folio, n.p., 28th June 1957. The type...

HARRIS THOMAS: (1940- ) American author, famous for his series of suspense novels featuring Hannibal Lecter, including The Silence of the Lambs (1...

FRANCE ANATOLE: (1844-1924) French poet, journalist and novelist, Nobel Prize winner for Literature, 1921. A.L.S., Anatole France, two pages (writ...

LAFAYETTE MARQUIS DE: (1757-1834) Gilbert du Motier. French aristocrat and military officer who fought in the American Revolutionary War and was a...

MARY OF TECK: (1867-1953) Queen Consort of the United Kingdom 1910-36, wife of King George V. A.L.S., May, one page, 8vo, London, 26th July 1948, ...

MACDONALD JAMES RAMSAY: (1866-1937) British Prime Minister 1924, 1929-35. A good T.L.S., J. Ramsay MacDonald, three pages (separate leaves), 4to, ...

MACDONALD JAMES RAMSAY: (1866-1937) British Prime Minister 1924, 1929-35. T.L.S., J. Ramsay MacDonald, one page, 4to, n.p. (London), 10th February...

WELENSKY ROY: (1907-1991) Northern Rhodesian politician who served as the second and last Prime Minister of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasala...

[CARTER HOWARD]: (1874-1939) English archaeologist and Egyptologist who discovered the Tomb of Tutankhamun in 1923. A.L.S., Ibrahim Khalil Ibrahim...

EGERTON FRANCIS H.: (1756-1829) British eccentric, antiquarian, and clergyman, a supporter of natural theology. A.L.S., Francis H. Egerton, one pa...

DELACROIX EUGENE: (1798-1863) French artist of the Romantic school. A.L.S., Eug. Delacroix, two pages, 8vo, n.p., 30th January 1848, to a gentlema...

PICABIA FRANCIS: (1879-1953) French avant-garde painter associated with Cubism. Autograph manuscript poem signed, Picabia, one page, oblong 8vo, P...

PALMERSTON VISCOUNT: (1784-1865) British Prime Minister 1855-58, 1859-65. A.L.S., Palmerston, two pages, 8vo, Broadlands, 14th January 1855, to th...

Los 1304


WALPOLE ROBERT: (1676-1745) British Prime Minister 1721-42 & PELHAM HENRY: (1694-1754) British Prime Minister 1743-54. Ink signatures by both Walp...

KOKOSCHKA OSKAR: (1886-1980) Austrian artist. A.L.S., Oskar Kokoschka, one page, 8vo, Villeneuve, Vaud, Switzerland, 25th July 1967, to Pierre Ber...

GREENE GRAHAM: (1904-1991) English novelist. A good T.L.S., Graham, one page, 8vo, Avenue Pasteur, Antibes, 28th July 1984, to Tadeusz Murek. Gree...

RAY MAN: (1890-1976) American visual artist, a significant contributor to the Dada and Surrealist movements and a renowned pioneering fashion and ...

GANDHI MAHATMA: (1869-1948) Indian political and spiritual leader during the Indian independence movement. A fine A.L.S., M K Gandhi, one page, 8v...

CHURCHILL WINSTON S.: (1874-1965) British Prime Minister 1940-45, 1951-55. Nobel Prize winner for Literature, 1953. A brief T.L.S., Winston S. Chu...

FALLA MANUEL DE: (1876-1946) Spanish Composer. A.L.S., `Manuel de Falla´, four pages, 8vo, Paris, 5th November 1910, to G. Jean Aubry, in French. ...

DU MAURIER DAPHNE: (1907-1989) English novelist. Blue ink signature (´with best wishes from Daphne du Maurier´) and several additional words in he...

SHAW GEORGE BERNARD: (1856-1950) Irish playwright, Nobel Prize winner for Literature, 1925. A fine A.L.S., G. Bernard Shaw, to the recto of his pe...

[CARTER HOWARD]: (1874-1939) English archaeologist and Egyptologist who discovered the Tomb of Tutankhamun in 1922. T.L.S. by a Minister Plemipote...

LEDGER HEATH: (1979-2008) Australian actor, posthumous Academy Award winner for Best Supporting Actor in 2008 for his role as the Joker in The Dar...

CHRISTIE AGATHA: (1890-1976) English crime writer. Blue ink signature (´Agatha Christie´; a late in life example) on an oblog 12mo piece. A very l...

PHILIP II: (1527-1598) King of Spain 1556-98. During his marriage to Queen Mary I of England, he was King of England and Ireland 1554-58. Rare L.S...

MARIA OF PORTUGAL: (1538-1577) Portuguese infanta, the wife of Alessandro Farnese, Duke of Parma and Piacenza, and thereby the Hereditary Princess...

LOUIS XII: (1462-1515) King of France 1498-1515 and King of Naples 1501-04. D.S., Loys, one page (vellum), oblong folio, Orleans, 15th December 14...

KHATAMI MOHAMMAD (1943- ) Iranian Politician who served as the fifth President of Iran 1997-2005. Khatami attracted attention during his first ele...

BOSCO JOHN: (1815-1888) Don Bosco. Italian Roman Catholic Priest, Educator and Writer. He developed teaching methods based on love rather than pun...

FRENCH COMPOSERS: Gustave Charpentier (1860-1956) French composer. A.L.S., with his initials G Ch., to the recto of his personal printed oblong 12...

FORSTER E.M.: (1879-1970) English author whose works include A Room with a View (1908), Howards End (1910) and A Passage to India (1924), all of w...

NADAR: (1820-1910) Gaspard-Felix Tournachon. French balloonist, photographer and caricaturist, the first person to take aerial photographs (1858)....

VAJIRAVUDH: (1881-1925) Rama VI. King of Siam 1910-25. A.L.S., The Crown Prince of Siam, in the third person, one page, 8vo, Ch[rist] Ch[urch] (Ox...

[CATHOLIC CHURCH]: A fine, early Manuscript Document authorised by three notaries with their individual attractive devices (notarial marks) and su...

ERNEST AUGUSTUS: (1771-1851) King of Hanover 1837-51, son of King George III of Great Britain and Ireland. L.S., Le bon frere, Ernest August, one ...

SAND GEORGE: (1804-1876) French novelist. A brief A.L.S., G Sand, one page, 8vo, n.p., n.d., to a friend, in French. Sand writes, in full, ´Je vou...

ZOLA EMILE: (1840-1902) French novelist. A.L.S., Emile Zola, two pages (written to the first and third sides of the bifolium), 8vo, Medan, 1st Jun...

FOUCHE JOSEPH: (1759-1820) 1st Duc d'Otrante, 1st Comte Fouche. French Statesman and Revolutionary, a subordinate of Napoleon Bonaparte who served...

CAMILLA, QUEEN CONSORT: (1947- ) Queen of the United Kingdom from 2022, the second wife of King Charles III. T.L.S., Camilla R, as Queen, with hol...

SALISBURY MARQUESS OF: (1830-1903) British Prime Minister 1885-86, 1886-92 & 1895-1902. A.L.S., Salisbury, one page, 8vo, Hatfield House, Hatfield...

BERGMAN INGRID: (1915-1982) Swedish actress, Academy Award winner for Best Supporting Actress in 1974 for her role as Greta Ohlsson in Murder on t...

LEO MELISSA: (1960- ) American actress, Academy Award winner for Best Supporting Actress in 2010 for her role as Alice Eklund-Ward in The Fighter....

WATANABE KEN: (1959- ) Japanese actor, an Academy Award nominee for Best Supporting Actor in 2003 for his role as Lord Moritsugu Katsumoto in The ...

LUMIERE LOUIS: (1864-1948) French Pioneer Filmmaker, along with his brother Auguste. T.L.S., Louis Lumiere, one page, Bandol, Var, 5th June 1943, ...

FOUCAULD CHARLES DE: (1858-1916) Foucauld was a former cavalry Officer in the French army, he would later become an Explorer, and finally a Cathol...

CROWLEY ALEISTER: (1875-1947) English occultist, ceremonial magician & poet, a notorious figure whom, during his lifetime, was denounced in the po...

GONNE MAUD: (1866-1953) English-born Irish republican revolutionary, suffragette and actress, who was also the the muse and long-time love interes...

MANTEL HILARY: (1952-2022) British writer whose works include the historical novel Wolf Hall (2009). Signed colour 8 x 10 photograph of Mantel sta...

LAVOISIER ANTOINE-LAURENT DE: (1743-1794) French nobleman and chemist who was central to the 18th century chemical revolution and who had a large ...

ROBERTSON CLIFF: (1923-2011) American actor, Academy Award winner for Best Actor in 1968 for his role as Charly Gordon in Charly. Signed 8 x 10 ph...

JOVOVICH MILLA: (1975- ) American actress & model. Signed colour 8 x 10 photograph of Jovovich in an appealing half-length pose. Signed in bold bl...

GUIMET EMILE: (1836-1918) French industrialist and connoisseur, founder of the Musee Guimet in Paris. Mata Hari was the long-time mistress of Guim...

COROT JEAN-BAPTISTE-CAMILLE: (1796-1875) French landscape and portrait painter. A.L.S., `C Corot´, one page, 12mo, Noisy-le-Grand, n.d., in French...

MONET CLAUDE: (1840-1926) French Impressionist painter. A.L.S., Claude Monet, two pages, 8vo, Giverny par Vernon, Eure, 24th March 1914, to a gent...

[CARTER HOWARD]: (1874-1939) English archaeologist and Egyptologist who discovered the Tomb of Tutankhamun in 1923. A.L.S., Abdelal Ahmed Said, by...


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