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655 Los(e)

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  • 655 Los(e)

FELLINI FEDERICO: (1920-1993) Italian film director, Academy Award winner. Signed and inscribed 6 x 4 photograph of Fellini in a profile head and ...

A vintage Kodak Baby Brownie Special camera, featuring a black Bakelite body with ribbed details and a clear flip-up viewfinder. This compact box ...

This is a Kodak Tele-Instamatic 608 camera, made in the USA. Part of Kodak's popular Instamatic series, this model features a dual-lens system for...

This is a Polaroid Square Shooter 2, a popular instant camera introduced in the early 1970s. Designed to use Polaroid Type 88 film, this model pro...

Vintage Precious Moments Hi-Tech toy camera in pink, featuring the phrase "Focusing in on Those Precious Moments." Manufactured in 1997 by CAI and...

Vintage Testrite Cinelarger 8mm film enlarger attachment by Testrite Instrument Co., made in the USA. This compact enlarger is specifically design...

This compact and stylish Canon ELPH LT 260 Advanced Photo System (APS) film camera offers excellent functionality combined with a sleek design. Fi...

Vivitar Auto 2X Teleconverter (Model NF) designed to enhance the focal length of compatible camera lenses. This high-quality teleconverter measure...

This lot includes a Continental Electroflash 555-S camera, measuring approximately 14.25"L, along with its leather case measuring 7.5"L. The camer...

Nikon Nuvis 751 compact APS (Advanced Photo System) film camera with 30-60mm macro zoom lens and original Nikon soft case. Features Magnetic IX fo...

Vintage Seikanon Zoom Lens, 1:3.5-4.5, with a focal range of 28-80mm and macro capability. Marked "Made in Japan," this lens features manual zoom ...

Canon ELPH 2 compact APS (Advanced Photo System) film camera featuring a 23-46mm f/4.2-5.6 zoom lens. Designed for convenience and high-quality pe...

This is a vintage Kodak Retina Reflex camera, a hallmark of mid-20th-century precision photography. Manufactured by Kodak AG in Stuttgart, Germany...

Vintage Kodak Brownie Target Six-20 box camera, manufactured by Eastman Kodak Company in the United States. This camera features a classic Art Dec...

This lot includes two Vivitar camera lenses, both accompanied by their original caps. The larger lens is a Vivitar 70-150mm 2X Matched Multiplier ...

Vintage Kodak Instamatic 500 camera manufactured in Germany in the mid-1960s. Features a Schneider-Kreuznach Xenar 38mm f/2.8 lens with a Compur s...

This Carenar 35mm f/2.8 camera lens features a vintage build, serial number 418473E, and measures 3.5"H when fully extended. Designed for manual f...

Vintage Kodak Brownie Junior Six-20 box camera featuring a classic Art Deco design on its metal front plate. Manufactured in the 1930s, this iconi...

Vintage Kodak Disc 4000 camera, manufactured by Eastman Kodak Company, featuring a sleek silver and black design with built-in flash and wrist str...

Designed to use 2C film. Box cameras were simple yet effective cameras, popular in the early to mid-20th century. This Ansco model showcases a stu...

Compact Canon ELPH LT 260 film camera designed for APS (Advanced Photo System) film, featuring a Canon Zoom Lens 26-52mm f/4.2-6.1. Includes the o...

Vivitar 35-70mm f/3.5 manual focus zoom lens, measuring 4.75"H when extended. Features multi-coating for enhanced image quality, a 58mm filter thr...

Vintage Minolta 16 EE II subminiature camera manufactured by Minolta Camera Co., Ltd., Japan. This compact and innovative 16mm film camera feature...

Vivitar Auto Zoom lens, model 85-205mm, featuring manual focus and adjustable aperture settings (f/3.8). Measures 9.5"H when fully extended and in...

Vintage Ampro Super Stylist Model 508 8mm film projector, manufactured by Graflex Inc. of Rochester, NY. This mid-20th-century device features bui...

700 film camera, produced in the United States during the 1960s. Features a Kodak Ektanar 38mm f/2.8 lens, offering fixed focal length for versati...

A vintage Hi-Tech Micro 110 Camera, model No. 120-1, housed in its original packaging. This compact camera features a flip-up viewfinder, drop-in ...

Vintage Canon FL 135mm f/2.5 manual focus camera lens, serial number 21733, made in Japan by Canon Camera Co. Includes original leather case and t...

This lot includes three pieces: two Vivitar automatic teleconverter lenses, models 2X-3 and 2X-5, and a black leather protective case. These lense...

Soligor 28-80mm macro zoom lens, featuring a focal length range of 28-80mm and an aperture of f/3.5-4.5. This manual focus lens includes a multico...

A Vivitar 80-200mm f/4.5 telephoto zoom lens with manual focus, featuring a sturdy build and a clean optical system. This lens includes two lens c...

Produced in the early 20th century. This collectible camera features a leather-clad body, extendable bellows, and metal hardware, showcasing the q...

Cased Eumig P8 projector.

Cased Canovision 8 Video Camcorder together with Soligor 1:4:5 Camera Lens, Rollei A26, Hanimar Automatic 1:28, Chinon CS Film Camera and assorted...

Smith & Clarke CS1 Slide Projector

A Collection of Camera Equipment includes a Eumig 380AF Projector, Helios Tripod Model T-1, Polaroid Square Shooter 2, Fujifilm Finepix A204, Koda...

A Mixed Collection of Vintage Cameras incluidng a Conway Camera Synchronised Model Box Camera, Balaixette Leather Cased example, Ensign Fulvue, am...

Kamera (Leica, Ernst Leitz, Wetzlar), Mod. III, Nr. 721216, Obj. 1:3,5F / 50 mm, m. orig.Lederetui. Funktion nicht geprüft, guter Orig.-Zustand.

Kamera (Leica, Ernst Leitz, Wetzlar), D.R.P., Mod. IA (Hektor), Nr. 38303, Obj. Elmar,1:3,5F / 50 mm, Analogkamera, m. orig. Lederetui. Funktion n...

Los 103

Zeiss Contax II

Zeiss Contax II1938. Mit Orthometar 1:4,5, f=3,5 cm Objektiv. Seriennummer G.20114 unten im Gehäuse. In passender Lederhülle, nummeriert 1787/8. D...

Konvolut FotoapparateDiverse Modelle verschiedener Hersteller wie Zeiss, Voigtländer, Agfa und Exakta. Darunter Exakta Vaerx IIb mit Zeiss Tessar ...

A vintage tripod camera. Paper needs replacing.

Helioplan 4,5/105 Lens Objektiv Meyer Optik

Zett 250 Dia - Projektor. Im Koffer.

Kamera Ihagee IIB Dresden mit Objektiv Carl Zeiss Jena Sonnar 4/135 mm No. 6590269 Objektiv. Original Karton dabei.

Kamera Ihagee EXA 500 mit Carl Zeiss Jena DDR Objektiv Flektogon 2,8 / 35 mm No. 9363985 Objektiv Original Karton dabei.

Vintage and later cameras, digital cameras, video recorders accessories and binoculars including Canon T50, Fujifilm E900, Fujifilm Zoom Date 125S...


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