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183 Los(e)

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  • 183 Los(e)

λ ITHELL COLQUHOUN (BRITISH 1903-1988) CHURCH INTERIOR Pencil and watercolour Signed and dated 38 (upper left) 40.5 x 56cm (15¾...

ACADEMY AWARD NOMINEES: A good selection of signed colour 8 x 10 photographs by various actresses, each of them Best Actress Oscar nominees in the...

MILAN I: (1854-1901) King of Serbia 1882-89. A brief A.L.S., Milan, one page, 8vo, n.p., 13/25th November (1887), to [Hugh] Wyndham, on the King's...

ESTRADA PALMA TOMAS: (1835-1908) First President of Cuba 1902-1906, and previously during the Ten Year´s War. Remembered for allowing the Platt Am...

ROUSSELET DE CHATEAURENAULT FRANCOIS LOUIS: (1637-1716) French Vice Admiral and Marshal of France who saw action in the Franco-Spanish War, the Ni...

FRENCH LITERATURE: Alexandre Dumas fils (1824-1895) French author and playwright. The personal printed oblong 12mo Visiting Card of Dumas fils, un...

SLAVERY - MAURITIUS: Philippe Jean de la Haye Duponsel (1752-1790) French slave trader established in Mauritius, which was called at that time, ''...

Austrian-Hungarian/American, 1884-1953Central Park Zoo: Monkey Cage DesignCharcoal and pastel on paper30 1/4 x 20 3/4 inches (76.8 x 52.7 cm)(Fram...

Crimea.- Malby & Sons (publisher) Sevastopol Showing the Position of the Allied Camps and the Batteries, lithographed map with hand-colouring, 680...

Atlases.- Mudie (Robert) Gilbert's Modern Atlas of the Earth, additional wood-engraved pictorial title featuring vignettes of the continents, 2 en...

Asia.- Japan.- [Gengyo (Seiken)] [Dai-Nihon kaikiru zenzu, or Complete Naval Map of Japan], woodblock map printed in colours, sheet 715 x 990 mm (...

Asia.- China & Japan.- Fries (Laurent) and Claudius Ptolemaeus. Ta. Superioris Indiae et Tartariae Maioris, Fries' map of eastern Asia, the first ...

Europe.- France.- Pinkney (Lieutentant-Colonel) Travels through the South of France and in the Interior of the Provinces of Provence and Languedoc...

China.- Huddart (Joseph) A Survey of the Tigris from Canton to the Island of Lankeet, chart showing the Tigris from Guangzhou to the Pearl River ...

India.- Fries (Laurent) and Claudius Ptolemaeus. Tabula nova vtriusque Indiae, reduced size version of Waldeseemuller's 1513 map, the earliest mod...

Polar.- Cassini (Giovanni Maria) Emisfero terrestre meridionale [and] Emisfero terrestre settentrionale, a pair of hemisphere maps on polar projec...

Levant.- Coronelli (Vincenzo) Memoires, Historiques & Geographiques du Royaume de la Moree, Negrepont & des Places Maritimes, first Dutch edition,...

Shury (John) Plan of London From Actual Survey, extending from Islington to Limehouse, Kennington and Brompton, bordered with 33 vignettes of Lond...

London.- Rocque (John), After. A Plan of the Cities of London and Westminster and Borough of Southwark, reproduction facsimile map, in 24 sections...

Guthrie (William) Atlas Universel pour la Géographie de Guthrie, title, table, and 29 double-page and folding maps, as called for, including one a...

World.- Lafreri School (Italian, 16th century) Three maps of Islands, including 'Peloponnesus N. Morea' [Peloponnese, sometimes called Morea], 'Es...

Asia.- Vietnam.- Mariette (Pierre) and Alexandre de Rhodes. Royaume d'Annan Comprenant les Royaumes de Tumkin et de la Cocinchine, early Jesuit ma...

Wales.- Jansson (Jan) Principatus Walliae Pars Borealis Vulgo North Wales, engraved map with original hand-colouring, platemark 405 x 510 mm (15 7...

World.- Collection (A) of the Dresses of Different Nations, Antient and Modern. Particularly Old English Dresses, 2 vol. only (of 4), text in Engl...

Levant.- Allom (Thomas) & Rev. Robert Walsh. Constantinople and the Scenery of the Seven Churches of Asia Minor, 2 vol. bound as 1, first- and sec...

Middle East.- Lawrence (T. E.) Seven Pillars of Wisdom, first trade edition, frontispiece, plates and illustrations, 4 folding maps, original buck...

Middle East.- Sylvanus (Bernardus) and Claudius Ptolemaeus. Quinta Asiae Tabula, an early example of 16th century Venetian cartography illustratin...

America.- Jefferys (Thomas) The American Atlas 1776, out-of-series copy from an edition of 200,  30 maps, most double-page or folding, original ha...

New Zealand.- Admirality Hydrographic Office (The) Pacific Ocean. New Zealand, large scale map of New Zealand from surveys by Captain J.L. Stokes,...

India.- Tiefentaller (Joseph) Carte Generale du Cours du Gange et du Gagra..., six maps on one sheet, with the main central map showing the course...

Voyages.- Vincent (William) The Voyage of the Nearchus: from the Indus to the Euphrates, first edition, engraved frontispiece, 6 engraved maps, of...

India.- Call (John) The Countries of Coromandel from the Coleroon to Cape Comorin [with] The Carnatic from the Pennar to the Coleroon, two sheet m...

Europe.- France.- Boucher (Lucien) Air France - Réseau aérien mondial, chromolithographic poster of a map of the world on a Mercator projection, h...

Polar.- Cherry-Garrard (Apsley) The Worst Journey in the World, 2 vol., first edition, half-title to vol. 2 only, frontispieces, plates, 10 panora...

Ireland.- Stanford (Edward, publisher) Geological Map of Ireland, Founded on the Maps of the Geological Survey of Richard Griffith and of Prof. J....

Europe.- France.- Ortelius (Abraham) Collection of 15 maps of France and its regions, from 'Theatrum Orbis Terrarum', including two general maps o...

Middle East.- Mineral Deposit Map of the Arab World Explanatory Notes, 1 vol and 3 maps only (of 6), comprising maps 1, 3 & 5, text in English, Fr...

Guernsey.- Gardner (William) An Accurate Survey and Measurement of the Island of Guernsey, large engraved wall map with full hand-colouring, in tw...

Levant.- Whiston (William) Cellarius's, Reland's, and Maundrell's, Maps, of Palestine Corrected and Improved by Mr. Whiston, broadsheet map of Pal...

South East Asia.- Indonesia.- Laurie & Whittle (publishers) A Chart of the Western Coast of of Sumatra From Touroumane to Indrapour, large sea cha...

India.- Sylvanus (Bernardus) Decima Asiae Tabula, an early example of 16th century Venetian cartography illustrating northern India, showing the I...

American Revolutionary War.- Baldwin (Richard, publisher) A View of the Rivers Kenebec and Chaudiere, with Colonel Arnold's Route to Quebec, engra...

Middle East.- Arabian Peninsula.- War Office (Geographical Section) [Map of South Western coast of Saudi Arabia and part of Yemen], three detailed...

England.- Ordnance Geological Survey.- Mudge (Lt. Col. William) and others. Thirteen numbered sections covering Cornwall, Devon, and West Somerset...

London.- Mogg (Edward) Mogg's New Plan of London, engraved map with hand-colouring, key below, total sheet 570 x 915 mm (22 1/2 x 36 in), dissecte...

Levant.- Jaillot (Alexis-Hubert) Estats de l'Empire du Grand Seigneur des Turcs en Europe, en Asie, et en Afrique..., map of northern Africa, the ...

Polar.- Barrington (Hon. Daines) The Possibility of Approaching the North Pole Asserted, half-title, folding map frontispiece, wood engraved title...

Europe.- Low Countries.- Ortelius (Abraham) Collection of nine maps of the Netherlands and its environs, from 'Theatrum Orbis Terrarum', including...

America.- Mitchell, Jr. (S.Augustus) Traveller's Guide Through the United States. A Map of the Roads, Distances, Steam Boat & Canal Routes &c., en...

Africa.- Views of Typical Desert Scenery in Egypt: prepared by the Geological Survey of Egypt, title in red and black, plates, minor creasing and ...

British Isles.- Speed (John) Six sheets of uncoloured English county maps, engraved county maps of 'Wight Island', 'Penbrokshyre', 'Huntington', '...

Levant.- Vertot (Abbe De) Histoire des Chevaliers Hospitaliers de S. Jean de Jerusalem, 4 vol., first edition in French, engraved frontispiece to ...

London.- Cruchley (George Frederick) Cruchley's Environs of London Extending Thirty Miles from the Metropolis, engraved map with original hand-col...

World.- Bartoli (Daniello) Geographia moralibus et politicis discursibus illustrata..., frontispiece with hemisphere map centred on the Arabian Pe...

Levant.- Homann (Johann Baptist) Iudaea seu Palaestina ob Sacratissima Redemtoris Vestigia Hodie Dicta Terra Sancta Prout Olim in Duodecim Tribus ...

Levant.- Chesney (Lieut.-Colonel) A Map of Arabia and Syria Laid down chiefly from Original Surveys... [with 13 others related], detailed map cent...

World.- Various cartographers (18th and 19th century) Collection of over 40 folding maps of the British Isles, Europe, and the rest of the World, ...

Levant.- Allom (Thomas) L'Empire Ottoman Illustré. Constantinople Ancienne et Moderne; comprenant aussi Les Sept Églises de l'Asie Mineure, 3 vol....


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