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174 Los(e)

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  • 174 Los(e)

KOCH ROBERT: (1843-1910) German Physician and Microbiologist. Nobel Prize in Physiology in 1905 for his discoveries of the specific causative agen...

HUSSEIN BIN TALAL: (1935-1999) King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan 1952-99. Signed colour 7 x 9.5 photograph of King Hussein in a smiling head...

VALLISNERI ANTONIO: (1661-1730) Italian medical scientist, physician and naturalist. A.L.S., Anto. Vallisneri, one page, oblong 8vo, n.p. (´In Sua...

This exquisite Swarovski Crystal Clam Shell with Pearl figurine is a stunning representation of marine elegance. Crafted with precision, the facet...

This exquisite Swarovski Crystal Seahorse figurine captures the elegance of marine life with a faceted clear crystal body and frosted crystal cora...

Exquisite glass figurine depicting a graceful stingray, beautifully crafted with clear and smoky translucent glass. The delicate curves and lifeli...

Large quantity of imported Martial Arts/Kung Fu DVD's/VCD's, including rare and hard to find examples, approx 50.

Eight laminated medical wall charts (8).

Two Pairs of Cased Binoculars, Solitel Prismatic 10 x 50 and Prinz 12 x 50 together with Sunagor Mini Zoom (1 Tray)

BARIGO-Wetterstation um 1970 Messingstation mit Plexiglaskuppel auf Bakelitstand. H.: 13 cm.

Celestron C5 TeleskopKomplett aufgebaut inklusive Vixen Sucherfernrohr 7x50, Celestron Halter mit Schnellkupplung, Vixen GP Montierung, inklusive...

Los 92

JRO Globus

JRO GlobusJRO Verlag München. Großer Globus in geschwungenem Messinggestell auf drei Beinen. Maßstab 1:20 000 000. Durchmesser ca. 85 cm, Höhe ca....

Niederländisches Barometer um 1800 J. Stoppam, Amsterdam. Verziertes Mahagoni Gehäuse mit versilberter und gravierter Zinnplatte. Glasröhren mit ...

Mikroskop mit 4 Okularen im Holzkasten, Ernst Leitz Wetzlar, Nr. 210289, Mikroskop h 32 cm, d 13 cm, Holzkasten 34 x 18,5 x 22,5 cm.

A vintage Masonic automaton pocket watch automaton. In working order, hourglass rotates as watch ticks . Ref: Lu81

A Polish 3rd Republic Merchant Marine Medal 1939-45

A Vintage (1950s) AA GB Car Plate. 18cm

A Rare WW2 Royal Marine Economy Plastic Cap Badge (Cellulose Acetate). In experimental blue. Made by A.S.Stanley & Sons, Walsall. Fixing blades ar...

A metal measuring tape. Marked on a label on the inside.

A vintage Roneo addressing machine numbered 11731.

A hardwood walking stick with carved bone handle in the form of a globe opening to reveal a compass, 90cm in length.

A Stanley London natural shine brass compass, 7cm wide.

Objects comprising a vintage eight day travel clock with leather case, a coppered ship's lantern, a black enamelled bell telephone and two pairs o...

Radiguet Schnittmodell einer Balanciermaschine, uralt, Holz/Pappe, beweglich, mit Handkurbel, Alterungsspuren, leicht fleckig, L 30,5

Kleine Pinzette, uralt, Messing/Horn, L 14, OK, Z 2

Holzkasten, mit Alkohol-/Weintest-Gerät, Ebullioscope, L. Levesque, Messingausführung, auf Guss-Sockel, Kastenlänge 27, leichte Gebrauchsspuren, s...

Helios Kinoprojektor, um 1860, mit Messingobjektiv, ENAZO Constr. Raoul de Magenta, Paris, ohne Lampe, L 58, in Original-Holzkiste

Tapis de passage Kerman signé Agah, Iran, milieu du XXe s., à trois médaillons centraux sur fond vert fleuri, fine bordure bleu marine, 91x695 cm


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