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498 Los(e)/Seite
Ca. 400 - 200 BC. A carnelian intaglio depicting a partridge. The bird stands in profile with its head slightly lowered. The body is defined by a...
Ca. 300 - 100 BC. A carnelian oval-shaped intaglio depicting a lion in profile with a detailed mane and open jaws. The bezel is framed by concent...
Ca. 300 - 100 BC. A convex gemstone of banded agate with parallel layers of translucent, opaque white, and brown, with the darker bands concentra...
Ca. 300 - 200 BC. A gold pendant depicting a standing figure of Eros with detailed facial features, short wavy hair, and outstretched wings. Depi...
Ca. 300 - 200 BC. A stunning gold earring featuring the upper section consisting of a rosette with a raised central boss encircled by radiating p...
Ca. 200 - 100 BC. A green stone convex intaglio depicting Venus in profile, facing right. The figure’s facial features are defined with a straigh...
Ca. 300 - 100 BC. A large, oval banded agate cabochon, polished to a smooth finish and displaying concentric layers of brown and white bands. It i...
Ca. 600 - 500 BC. A pair of gold bracelets shaped into a circular form with a small opening at the ends. Both bracelets are decorated with incise...
Ca. 300 BC. A gold pendant featuring a tooth-shaped carnelian stone set within an ornate gold cap. The carnelian is smoothly polished, tapering t...
Ca. 300 BC. A gold pendant with a tooth-shaped rock crystal set within an ornate gold cap. The rock crystal is smoothly polished, tapering to a s...
Ca. 400 BC. A silver ring with an oval-shaped bezel engraved with a depiction of a winged god in profile, grasping a snake in the right hand. The ...
Ca. 325 - 280 BC. A painted terracotta figurine depicting a standing female with detailed facial features, a softly modelled face, and a refined h...
Ca. 550 - 525 BC. A terracotta head with a round, slightly flattened hairstyle and a prominent, smooth forehead. The face is depicted with deeply...
Ca. 300 - 100 BC. A terracotta head of a male with wavy hair swept back from the forehead and falling in thick locks over the ears. The facial fea...
Ca. 250 - 150 BC. A terracotta figurine of a female depicted standing with her weight shifted slightly to one side. She wears a long, flowing garm...
Ca. 250 - 150 BC. A hollow, mould-made terracotta figurine depicting a seated female figure on an integral raised platform, holding a large string...
Ca. 300 - 100 BC. A terracotta head of a satyr with a broad face and exaggerated features. The deeply furrowed brow overhangs the recessed eyes, w...
Ca. 300 - 100 BC. A terracotta statuette of Eros depicted reclining with the head turned to the side. The facial features are softly modelled, wit...
Ca. 300 - 100 BC. A core-formed glass amphoriskos with an elongated, tapering body ending in a small knob-like base. The surface is decorated wit...
Ca. 300 - 100 BC. A gold lunula pendant with scrollwork decoration. The crescent-shaped body is framed by a twisted wire border and embellished w...
Ca. 300 - 100 BC. A gold lunula pendant with scrollwork decoration. The crescent-shaped body is framed by a twisted wire border and embellished w...
Ca. 400 - 350 BC. A large red-figure skyphos with a deep body that broadens towards the opening. Two horizontal D-shaped handles extend from the ...
Ca. 400 - 350 BC. A red-figure bell krater with an inverted bell-shaped body, a broad, flaring rim, and a stemmed foot that expands into a disc-s...
Ca. 380 - 360 BC. A red-figure bell krater with a black-glazed, inverted bell-shaped body, tapering to a stem foot with a broad disc base. The rim...
Ca. 400 - 200 BC. A pottery krater with a tall, rounded body tapering towards a flared pedestal foot. The wide, cylindrical neck leads to a sligh...
Ca. 350 - 300 BC. A red-figure squat lekythos with a funnel-shaped mouth, a slender neck, and a bulbous body tapering gently into a slightly rais...
Ca. 400 - 300 BC. A terracotta hydria with a broad, rounded body, a short neck, and a flaring rim, with two horizontal handles at the shoulder and...
Ca. 350 - 325 BC. A trefoil oinochoe attributed to the Ugento Painter. It features a rounded body tapering to a ring base. The neck culminates in...
Ca. 400 - 300 BC. A black-glazed terracotta squat lekythos with a domed body tapering towards a narrow neck with a wide, flat-rimmed mouth. A sin...
Ca. 750 - 600 BC. A pair of cast bronze animal figurines, each standing on four legs. The one on the left features a short, arched tail and an el...
Ca. 800 - 700 BC. A cast bronze statuette of a bull depicted in a standing posture with its head raised. The animal has an elongated body and sho...
Ca. 800 - 600 BC. A bronze statuette of a bull standing on four slender legs. The head is defined by a broad muzzle, rounded nostrils, and small,...
Ca. 400 - 300 BC. A collection of three Xenon ware vessels, each with a black-glazed surface and added red-painted decoration. The first vessel o...
Ca. 330 - 300 BC. A collection of three Xenon ware vessels, each with a black-glazed surface and added red-painted decoration. The first vessel o...
Ca. 350 - 300 BC. A black-glazed kantharos with a tapering body, twin loop handles, and a footed base. The body is decorated with vertical ribbin...
Ca. 400 BC. A black-glazed pottery skyphos with a body that rises from a ring base and flares gently towards the opening. The vessel is decorated...
Ca. 900 - 700 BC. A terracotta oinochoe with a broad, cylindrical body, a flat base, and a rounded shoulder. A slender neck rises to a trefoil mo...
Ca. 350 - 280 BC. A group of three terracotta Xenon ware oinochoai, each with a black-glazed globular body, a trefoil mouth, a short handle, and ...
Ca. 400 - 200 BC. A black glaze strainer top guttus with a squat, rounded body tapering towards a broad, stepped base. A short tubular spout exten...
Ca. 400 - 300 BC. A collection of three oinochoai, each featuring a broad, flat rim with a pronounced edge, a short cylindrical neck, and a singl...
Ca. 400 - 300 BC. A pottery oinochoe with an inverted pear-shaped body resting on a ring base. It has a squat neck with a trefoil spout, connected...
Ca. 400 - 300 BC. A fine amethyst seal with the remains of its original bezel, engraved with a depiction of a vulture grasping its prey. Size: 4...
Ca. 3rd century BC - 3rd century AD. A stamp seal, possibly quartz, depicting a horse lying on its back. Size: 15mm x 18mm; Weight: 3.10g Proven...
Ca. 1st - 3rd century AD. A quartz stamp seal with the depiction of a goat or ibex. Size: 15mm x 18mm; Weight: 4.26g Provenance: Private UK coll...
Ca. 300 - 200 BC. A terracotta oinochoe with an inverted piriform body, a narrow neck, and a wide trefoil mouth. A tall, curved handle rises from...
Ca. 350 BC. A black glaze guttus with a flattened, rounded body, a narrow flaring spout, and a single arched handle rising from the shoulder. The ...
Ca. 350 - 300 BC. A black-glazed kantharos with a tapering body, twin handles, and a footed base. The body is decorated with vertical ribbing and...
Ca. 350 - 300 BC. A pair of black-glazed olpae, each with a rounded body tapering towards a circular stepped foot. The elongated necks widen into ...
Ca. 350 - 280 BC. A group of three black-glazed ceramic cups, each with a low foot, a shallow bowl, and horizontal handles. The smallest vessel o...
Ca. 330 - 280 BC. A stemless kylix with a shallow bowl and a pair of horizontal loop handles extending from the sides. The vessel rests on a shor...
Ca. 330 - 300 BC. A black-glaze guttus with a ribbed rounded body and a short, protruding spout set opposite a single loop handle. The upper face...
Ca. 400 - 300 BC. A terracotta oinochoe decorated with a portrait of a Lady of Fashion in the red-figure technique. The vessel has an inverted pea...
Ca. 400 - 300 BC. A collection of three black-glazed olpes, each with a rounded body, a single arched handle extending from the shoulder to the ri...
Ca. 400 - 300 BC. A collection of three Xenon ware vessels, each with a black-glazed surface and added red-painted decoration. The vessel on the ...
Ca. 320 - 310 BC. A red-figure dish attributed to the Kantharos Group, featuring a finely executed 'Lady of Fashion' motif. This shallow, broad d...
Ca. 320 - 300 BC. A black-glazed kylix with a broad shallow bowl, a straight rim, and a short, concave foot. The interior is decorated with a cen...
Ca. 400 - 300 BC. A pair of red-figure pottery vessels, including a lekythos and a lekanis with its lid. The lekythos has a slender neck that wid...
Ca. AD 200 - 300. A marble head of a youth with a smooth, rounded face with full cheeks and a straight nose. The eyes are deep-set, with a slight...
Ca. AD 1800. A marble sculpture portraying a recumbent lion resting on a rectangular, integral base. The head is turned to the side, with the mout...
Ca. AD 1 - 300. A millefiori glass bowl with a shallow, wide body and an everted rim. The surface displays vibrant polychromy, composed of fused ...

498 Los(e)/Seite