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279 Los(e)/Seite
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Constantin Brancusi on the rooftop of family Gerota's Săftica HouseConstantin Brancusi on the rooftop of family Gerota's Săftica House11,5 × 8,5 c...
Constantin Brancusi in front of family Codreanu's HouseConstantin Brancusi in front of family Codreanu's House8,5 × 6 cm1937
Constantin Brancuși visiting family Gerota, at SăfticaConstantin Brancuși visiting family Gerota, at Săftica11.5 x 8.5 cm (each)ca. 1937
Nude III
Nude IIINude IIIsigned lower right, under the framework, in pencil, ”Dali”; numbered lower left, under the framework, in pencil, ”15/95”12 × 9 cmS...
Alexis (The Treaty of Vain Desire)Alexis (The Treaty of Vain Desire)30 × 23,5 cmSalvador Dalíetching and needle engraving
Wood-made Stranger
Wood-made StrangerWood-made Strangercollection of Margit Brauner.23 × 23 cmVictor Braunerink and pencil on paper
The Dancer
The DancerThe Dancersigned lower right, in pencil, "M. Ianco"24,5 × 17 cmMarcel Iancuceracolors and charcoal on paper laid on cardboard
Traces et Interstices
Traces et IntersticesTraces et Intersticessigned and dated lower right, under the framework, in pencil, ”VICTOR BRAUNER, 1963”; numbered lower lef...
Euphorie Dada
Euphorie DadaEuphorie Dadasigned lower right, under the framework, in pencil, ”Marcel Ianco”; numbered lower middle, under the framework, in penci...
Vision collage
Vision collageVision collagesigned lower right, under the framework, in pencil, ”Marcel Ianco”; numbered lower middle, under the framework, in pen...
The Three Roads
The Three RoadsThe Three Roadssigned and dated lower right, in pencil, ”Perahim, (19)58”; noted and titled lower left, in pencil, ”ACTUL II T.2, C...
Variation II
Variation IIVariation IIsigned lower right, in pencil, "Seuphor"; numbered lower left, in pencil, "94/100"50 × 48 cmMichel Seuphorchromolithography
VariationVariationsigned lower right, in pencil, "Seuphor"; numbered lower left, in pencil, "99/100"49 × 49 cmMichel Seuphorcolaj pe screen printi...
Red and Blue
Red and BlueRed and Blue50 × 33,5 cmAlexandru Istratioil on canvas
CompositionCompositionsigned upper left, în ballpoint pen, "A. Istrati"33 × 23 cmAlexandru Istratioil on paper
City Life
City LifeCity Lifesigned and dated lower right, in black, "M. Ianco, (19)21"28 × 19 cmMarcel Iancuwatercolour, pencil and ink on paper1921
ConstructionConstructionsigned lower right, in pencil, ”Marcel Ianco”; numbered lower left, in pencil, ”113/190”53 × 42 cmMarcel Iancuscreen prin...
StructureStructuresigned and dated lower left, ink and pen, "Marcel Ianco, 1920"20 × 22 cmMarcel Iancuhand coloured engraving1920
Structure II
Structure IIStructure IIsigned and dated lower left, ink and pen, "Marcel Ianco, 1919"; stamped upper left, in brown, "Contimporanul, str. Trăinăt...
The Bridge
The BridgeThe Bridgesigned lower right, in black, "Janco"14 × 20 cmMarcel Iancuink, watercolour and ceracolors on paper
The trees
The treesThe treessigned in the middle, ink and pen, ”M.T.”15 × 20 cmHans Mattis Teutschlinocut laid on cardboard
UNU ("Foaie Verde / Green Pages"), collage published in the UNU magazine, no. 26UNU ("Foaie Verde / Green Pages"), collage published in the UNU ma...
MusiciansMusicianssigned and dated lower right, in red, "Maxy, 1929"21 × 28 cmMax Herman Maxyoil, ceracolors, pencil and charcoal on paper1929
PersonnagePersonnagesigned lower right, in green, ”M. H. maxy”; noted lower left, in green, ”E.A.”38 × 30 cmMax Herman Maxyetching
CostumesCostumes25,5 × 20 cmMarcel Iancuink, ceracolors and coloured crayons on paper laid on cardboard
Costume I
Costume ICostume I34,5 × 25 cmMarcel Iancupencil and coloured crayons on paper
Costume II
Costume IICostume IIsigned lower right, in pencil30,5 × 22 cmMarcel Iancuwatercolour and charcoal on paper laid on cardboard
"Love" - four tapestry variants of Robert Indiana's artwork, reminding the four seasons"Love" - four tapestry variants of Robert Indiana's artwork...
"Bataille autour d'un pissenlit" - tapestry after Salvador Dali's artwork"Bataille autour d'un pissenlit" - tapestry after Salvador Dali's artwork...
"Femme assise dans un fauteuil rouge" - tapestry after Pablo Picasso's artwork"Femme assise dans un fauteuil rouge" - tapestry after Pablo Picasso...
"Untitled" - tapestry after Keith Haring's artwork"Untitled" - tapestry after Keith Haring's artwork120 × 175 cmKeith Haringwool
"Liebe Love" - tapestry of Robert Indiana's "Love " artwork, dedicated to Germany"Liebe Love" - tapestry of Robert Indiana's "Love " artwork, de...
”Gavilla de fabulas sin amor” - tapiserie după o lucrare de Pablo Picasso”Gavilla de fabulas sin amor” - tapiserie după o lucrare de Pablo Picasso...
"Seated woman" - tapestry after Pablo Picasso's artwork"Seated woman" - tapestry after Pablo Picasso's artwork200 × 140 cmPablo Picassowool
"The Walled Off Hotel" - set of three t-shirts, an artwork, postcards, pencil, soap, bottle of
"The Walled Off Hotel" - set of three t-shirts, an artwork, postcards, pencil, soap, bottle of water, letter and a publication"The Walled Off Hote...
"Hulk Elvis" - set of an album and two inflatable toys"Hulk Elvis" - set of an album and two inflatable toysJeff Koons
"White Brillo Dunny" - toy designed by Andy Warhol, produced by Kidrobot"White Brillo Dunny" - toy designed by Andy Warhol, produced by Kidrobotnu...
DADA-Tresor Box: four linocuts and a photograph of Hugo Ball, no. 57DADA-Tresor Box: four linocuts and a photograph of Hugo Ball, no. 5730 × 30 × ...
Salvador Dalí Surrealistic Chess SetSalvador Dalí Surrealistic Chess Setchess board 33 x 33 cm, chess pieces cca. h=5.5 cm (each)resin
Chess Set designed by Antonio GaudíChess Set designed by Antonio Gaudíchess board 45 x 45 cm, chess pieces cca. h=8 cmmosaic, acrylic
Dominoe set with drawings by Pablo PicassoDominoe set with drawings by Pablo Picassobox 5 x 38 x 12.5 cm, chess pieces 9.5 x 5 cm (each)layered wo...
Chess set designed by Karim RashidChess set designed by Karim Rashidchess pieces cca. h=9 cmacrylic
Two sets of playing cards illustrated by Salvador Dali, with a sealTwo sets of playing cards illustrated by Salvador Dali, with a seal9 x 6 cm (ea...
"Le Jeu de Marseille" - set of playing cards with artworks by Victor Brauner, André Breton, Oscar
"Le Jeu de Marseille" - set of playing cards with artworks by Victor Brauner, André Breton, Oscar Dominguez, Max Ernst, Jacques Hérold, Wifredo La...
Futurist Chess Set, Vesta design
Futurist Chess Set, Vesta designFuturist Chess Set, Vesta designchess board 30 x 30 cm, chess pieces cca. h=4 cmplexiglass
Space-age designed Chess set
Space-age designed Chess setSpace-age designed Chess setchess pieces cca. h=7 cmsculpted wood
Dominoe set with Keith Haring artworksDominoe set with Keith Haring artworksbox 7 x 20 x 10 cm, chess pieces 6.5 x 3.5 cm (each)sculpted wood
Queen Rock Band in concert in Cleveland, Ohio, S.U.A, ca. 1980Queen Rock Band in concert in Cleveland, Ohio, S.U.A, ca. 198025 x 20.5 cm (each)
Roger Taylor, Queen's drummer, made by Joe Bangay, ca. 1970Roger Taylor, Queen's drummer, made by Joe Bangay, ca. 197025,5 × 19,5 cm
Bob Dylan in concerts
Bob Dylan in concertsBob Dylan in concerts10 x 15 cm (each)

279 Los(e)/Seite