

A Group of Spencer Davis Cash Box Items

In Pop Culture: Featuring the Spencer Davis Colle...

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A Group of Spencer Davis Cash Box Items - Bild 1 aus 3
A Group of Spencer Davis Cash Box Items - Bild 2 aus 3
A Group of Spencer Davis Cash Box Items - Bild 3 aus 3
A Group of Spencer Davis Cash Box Items - Bild 1 aus 3
A Group of Spencer Davis Cash Box Items - Bild 2 aus 3
A Group of Spencer Davis Cash Box Items - Bild 3 aus 3
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Los Angeles, California

A Group of Spencer Davis Cash Box Items 3 printed pages, each laid down on wooden plaques, as follows: 1. Cashbox. August 20, 1977. Cover only, featuring Steve Winwood, printed in color, laid down and lacquered to mount to 16 x 12 1/2 in overall. 2. Cashbox. November 20, 1976. Cover only, featuring Robert Palmer, printed in color, laid down and lacquered to mount to 16 x 12 1/2 in overall. 3. 'Cashbox Top 100 Singles.' Single sheet printed in pink and black, November 22, 1975, laid down and lacquered to mount to 13 1/2 by 10 in. An incredible snapshot of the Disco era, with 'Fly, Robin, Fly' and 'That's the Way I Like It' at numbers 1 and 2, but the Eagles, Springsteen, and Linda Ronstadt also making appearances. Cashbox was a music industry magazine that Davis would have read in his capacity as an A&R man. Footnotes: Provenance: The Spencer Davis Collection. Lot to be sold without reserve. For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com For further information about this lot please visit the lot listing

A Group of Spencer Davis Cash Box Items 3 printed pages, each laid down on wooden plaques, as follows: 1. Cashbox. August 20, 1977. Cover only, featuring Steve Winwood, printed in color, laid down and lacquered to mount to 16 x 12 1/2 in overall. 2. Cashbox. November 20, 1976. Cover only, featuring Robert Palmer, printed in color, laid down and lacquered to mount to 16 x 12 1/2 in overall. 3. 'Cashbox Top 100 Singles.' Single sheet printed in pink and black, November 22, 1975, laid down and lacquered to mount to 13 1/2 by 10 in. An incredible snapshot of the Disco era, with 'Fly, Robin, Fly' and 'That's the Way I Like It' at numbers 1 and 2, but the Eagles, Springsteen, and Linda Ronstadt also making appearances. Cashbox was a music industry magazine that Davis would have read in his capacity as an A&R man. Footnotes: Provenance: The Spencer Davis Collection. Lot to be sold without reserve. For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com For further information about this lot please visit the lot listing

Pop Culture: Featuring the Spencer Davis Collectio

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7601 W. Sunset Boulevard
Los Angeles
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Stichworte: Davis