

PAN ZIXIE (1903-?); PANG GUOJUN (1905-?) AND VARIOUS ARTISTS Landscapes; Calligraphy and Poems i...

In Chinese Paintings Online

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PAN ZIXIE (1903-?); PANG GUOJUN (1905-?) AND VARIOUS ARTISTS Landscapes; Calligraphy and Poems i... - Bild 1 aus 13
PAN ZIXIE (1903-?); PANG GUOJUN (1905-?) AND VARIOUS ARTISTS Landscapes; Calligraphy and Poems i... - Bild 2 aus 13
PAN ZIXIE (1903-?); PANG GUOJUN (1905-?) AND VARIOUS ARTISTS Landscapes; Calligraphy and Poems i... - Bild 3 aus 13
PAN ZIXIE (1903-?); PANG GUOJUN (1905-?) AND VARIOUS ARTISTS Landscapes; Calligraphy and Poems i... - Bild 4 aus 13
PAN ZIXIE (1903-?); PANG GUOJUN (1905-?) AND VARIOUS ARTISTS Landscapes; Calligraphy and Poems i... - Bild 5 aus 13
PAN ZIXIE (1903-?); PANG GUOJUN (1905-?) AND VARIOUS ARTISTS Landscapes; Calligraphy and Poems i... - Bild 6 aus 13
PAN ZIXIE (1903-?); PANG GUOJUN (1905-?) AND VARIOUS ARTISTS Landscapes; Calligraphy and Poems i... - Bild 7 aus 13
PAN ZIXIE (1903-?); PANG GUOJUN (1905-?) AND VARIOUS ARTISTS Landscapes; Calligraphy and Poems i... - Bild 8 aus 13
PAN ZIXIE (1903-?); PANG GUOJUN (1905-?) AND VARIOUS ARTISTS Landscapes; Calligraphy and Poems i... - Bild 9 aus 13
PAN ZIXIE (1903-?); PANG GUOJUN (1905-?) AND VARIOUS ARTISTS Landscapes; Calligraphy and Poems i... - Bild 10 aus 13
PAN ZIXIE (1903-?); PANG GUOJUN (1905-?) AND VARIOUS ARTISTS Landscapes; Calligraphy and Poems i... - Bild 11 aus 13
PAN ZIXIE (1903-?); PANG GUOJUN (1905-?) AND VARIOUS ARTISTS Landscapes; Calligraphy and Poems i... - Bild 12 aus 13
PAN ZIXIE (1903-?); PANG GUOJUN (1905-?) AND VARIOUS ARTISTS Landscapes; Calligraphy and Poems i... - Bild 13 aus 13
PAN ZIXIE (1903-?); PANG GUOJUN (1905-?) AND VARIOUS ARTISTS Landscapes; Calligraphy and Poems i... - Bild 1 aus 13
PAN ZIXIE (1903-?); PANG GUOJUN (1905-?) AND VARIOUS ARTISTS Landscapes; Calligraphy and Poems i... - Bild 2 aus 13
PAN ZIXIE (1903-?); PANG GUOJUN (1905-?) AND VARIOUS ARTISTS Landscapes; Calligraphy and Poems i... - Bild 3 aus 13
PAN ZIXIE (1903-?); PANG GUOJUN (1905-?) AND VARIOUS ARTISTS Landscapes; Calligraphy and Poems i... - Bild 4 aus 13
PAN ZIXIE (1903-?); PANG GUOJUN (1905-?) AND VARIOUS ARTISTS Landscapes; Calligraphy and Poems i... - Bild 5 aus 13
PAN ZIXIE (1903-?); PANG GUOJUN (1905-?) AND VARIOUS ARTISTS Landscapes; Calligraphy and Poems i... - Bild 6 aus 13
PAN ZIXIE (1903-?); PANG GUOJUN (1905-?) AND VARIOUS ARTISTS Landscapes; Calligraphy and Poems i... - Bild 7 aus 13
PAN ZIXIE (1903-?); PANG GUOJUN (1905-?) AND VARIOUS ARTISTS Landscapes; Calligraphy and Poems i... - Bild 8 aus 13
PAN ZIXIE (1903-?); PANG GUOJUN (1905-?) AND VARIOUS ARTISTS Landscapes; Calligraphy and Poems i... - Bild 9 aus 13
PAN ZIXIE (1903-?); PANG GUOJUN (1905-?) AND VARIOUS ARTISTS Landscapes; Calligraphy and Poems i... - Bild 10 aus 13
PAN ZIXIE (1903-?); PANG GUOJUN (1905-?) AND VARIOUS ARTISTS Landscapes; Calligraphy and Poems i... - Bild 11 aus 13
PAN ZIXIE (1903-?); PANG GUOJUN (1905-?) AND VARIOUS ARTISTS Landscapes; Calligraphy and Poems i... - Bild 12 aus 13
PAN ZIXIE (1903-?); PANG GUOJUN (1905-?) AND VARIOUS ARTISTS Landscapes; Calligraphy and Poems i... - Bild 13 aus 13
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PAN ZIXIE (1903-?); PANG GUOJUN (1905-?) AND VARIOUS ARTISTS Landscapes; Calligraphy and Poems in Various Scripts Ink and colour on paper; ink on paper, a total of four folding fans Each inscribed and signed, with a total of eleven artists' seals Dated bingxu year (1946),renshen year (1932), and bingzi year (1936), respectively Fan 1:17 x 46cm (6¾ x 18⅛in); Fan 2: 18 x 39cm (7⅛ x 15⅜in); Fan 3: 18 x 38cm (7⅛ x 15in); Fan 4: 18 x 44cm (7⅛ x 17⅜in) Footnotes: 潘子燮、龐國鈞、俞雲等 山水、書法 設色、水墨紙本  成扇四柄 〈一〉潘子燮 巖壑幽居 設色紙本 成扇 一九四六年作 龐國鈞 楷書七言詩 水墨紙本 〈二〉劉鳴皋 行旅圖 設色紙本 成扇  熙光 魏碑體書 水墨紙本 〈三〉俞雲 書畫合璧 設色紙本 成扇 一九三二年作 〈四〉俞雲 山水圖 設色紙本 成扇 一九三六年作 潘恩元 行書七言詩 水墨紙本 款識: 〈一〉 〈潘〉巖壑幽居。永欣先生正之,丙戌秋仲,潘子燮時客滬上。 〈龐〉(錄元好問詩,文略)永欣先生屬書,丙戌中秋,龐國鈞時年六十有三。 〈二〉 〈劉〉李白《蜀道難》雄奇瑰麗,橫絕千古。白可得而吟,摩詰不得而圖也。摩詰句云:「萬壑樹參天,千山饗杜鵑。山中一夜雨,樹杪百重泉」。差可於丹青中求之,是耶非耶?遠以質之,驢背上人。時在乙丑端午後一日,以為逸甫仁兄先生大雅屬正。羽卿劉鳴臯,寫於虞山軍次。 〈熙〉淵渟岳峙舊雄闗,十五年前數往還。野草宮花同一火,隔江瘦了萬重山。逸甫仁兄雅屬,熙光。 〈三〉 〈畫〉 宋若先生法教,壬申,瘦石雲。 〈書〉(節東漢《曹全碑》,文略)宋若先生再正。山陰瘦石云。 〈四〉 〈俞〉巨川先生雅屬。丙子春日,山陰瘦石俞雲,時年七十有三。 〈潘〉(錄蘇軾《送賈訥倅眉》,文略)坡公送眉倅賈訥詩。巨川老哥法家正之,丹仲弟恩元。 鈐印: 〈一〉〈潘〉潘鼐、子燮、 〈龐〉龐國鈞印、蘅裳 〈二〉〈劉〉 鳴皋、羽卿、〈熙〉 品農 〈三〉〈畫〉 俞雲、〈書〉 俞雲 〈四〉〈俞〉耶佛盫、〈潘〉潘恩元章、丹仲手指 註:潘子燮(1903–?),江蘇吳縣人。從黃曉汀、趙叔孺、吳湖帆諸氏遊,工繪畫,尤精山水。 龐國鈞(1905–?),字蘅裳,號鶴緣,江蘇吳江人。早年受業於錢崇威,後入江蘇巡撫陳夔龍門下,為拔貢,曾任七品京官。工書法,尤精行楷,筆法遒勁,風格雅正。 刘鸣皋(1880-? ),字羽卿江蘇常熟人。工畫。 潘恩元(1874–1944),字頌國,號丹仲,江蘇如東人,潘蔭東次子。光緒舉人,後赴日本學習經濟管理。民國年間曾任江蘇省議會議員。工齊白石、張伯英、宋伯魯等交誼尤厚。 俞雲,字瘦石,號耶佛。浙江紹興人。書法、篆刻家。 Lot to be sold without reserve. For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com For further information about this lot please visit the lot listing

PAN ZIXIE (1903-?); PANG GUOJUN (1905-?) AND VARIOUS ARTISTS Landscapes; Calligraphy and Poems in Various Scripts Ink and colour on paper; ink on paper, a total of four folding fans Each inscribed and signed, with a total of eleven artists' seals Dated bingxu year (1946),renshen year (1932), and bingzi year (1936), respectively Fan 1:17 x 46cm (6¾ x 18⅛in); Fan 2: 18 x 39cm (7⅛ x 15⅜in); Fan 3: 18 x 38cm (7⅛ x 15in); Fan 4: 18 x 44cm (7⅛ x 17⅜in) Footnotes: 潘子燮、龐國鈞、俞雲等 山水、書法 設色、水墨紙本  成扇四柄 〈一〉潘子燮 巖壑幽居 設色紙本 成扇 一九四六年作 龐國鈞 楷書七言詩 水墨紙本 〈二〉劉鳴皋 行旅圖 設色紙本 成扇  熙光 魏碑體書 水墨紙本 〈三〉俞雲 書畫合璧 設色紙本 成扇 一九三二年作 〈四〉俞雲 山水圖 設色紙本 成扇 一九三六年作 潘恩元 行書七言詩 水墨紙本 款識: 〈一〉 〈潘〉巖壑幽居。永欣先生正之,丙戌秋仲,潘子燮時客滬上。 〈龐〉(錄元好問詩,文略)永欣先生屬書,丙戌中秋,龐國鈞時年六十有三。 〈二〉 〈劉〉李白《蜀道難》雄奇瑰麗,橫絕千古。白可得而吟,摩詰不得而圖也。摩詰句云:「萬壑樹參天,千山饗杜鵑。山中一夜雨,樹杪百重泉」。差可於丹青中求之,是耶非耶?遠以質之,驢背上人。時在乙丑端午後一日,以為逸甫仁兄先生大雅屬正。羽卿劉鳴臯,寫於虞山軍次。 〈熙〉淵渟岳峙舊雄闗,十五年前數往還。野草宮花同一火,隔江瘦了萬重山。逸甫仁兄雅屬,熙光。 〈三〉 〈畫〉 宋若先生法教,壬申,瘦石雲。 〈書〉(節東漢《曹全碑》,文略)宋若先生再正。山陰瘦石云。 〈四〉 〈俞〉巨川先生雅屬。丙子春日,山陰瘦石俞雲,時年七十有三。 〈潘〉(錄蘇軾《送賈訥倅眉》,文略)坡公送眉倅賈訥詩。巨川老哥法家正之,丹仲弟恩元。 鈐印: 〈一〉〈潘〉潘鼐、子燮、 〈龐〉龐國鈞印、蘅裳 〈二〉〈劉〉 鳴皋、羽卿、〈熙〉 品農 〈三〉〈畫〉 俞雲、〈書〉 俞雲 〈四〉〈俞〉耶佛盫、〈潘〉潘恩元章、丹仲手指 註:潘子燮(1903–?),江蘇吳縣人。從黃曉汀、趙叔孺、吳湖帆諸氏遊,工繪畫,尤精山水。 龐國鈞(1905–?),字蘅裳,號鶴緣,江蘇吳江人。早年受業於錢崇威,後入江蘇巡撫陳夔龍門下,為拔貢,曾任七品京官。工書法,尤精行楷,筆法遒勁,風格雅正。 刘鸣皋(1880-? ),字羽卿江蘇常熟人。工畫。 潘恩元(1874–1944),字頌國,號丹仲,江蘇如東人,潘蔭東次子。光緒舉人,後赴日本學習經濟管理。民國年間曾任江蘇省議會議員。工齊白石、張伯英、宋伯魯等交誼尤厚。 俞雲,字瘦石,號耶佛。浙江紹興人。書法、篆刻家。 Lot to be sold without reserve. For further information on this lot please visit Bonhams.com For further information about this lot please visit the lot listing

Chinese Paintings Online

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