

LAMY, Bernard, C.O.- De Tabernaculo foederis, de Sancta Civitate Jerusalem, et de Templo eius. Libri

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LAMY, Bernard, C.O.- De Tabernaculo foederis, de Sancta Civitate Jerusalem, et de Templo eius. Libri - Bild 1 aus 5
LAMY, Bernard, C.O.- De Tabernaculo foederis, de Sancta Civitate Jerusalem, et de Templo eius. Libri - Bild 2 aus 5
LAMY, Bernard, C.O.- De Tabernaculo foederis, de Sancta Civitate Jerusalem, et de Templo eius. Libri - Bild 3 aus 5
LAMY, Bernard, C.O.- De Tabernaculo foederis, de Sancta Civitate Jerusalem, et de Templo eius. Libri - Bild 4 aus 5
LAMY, Bernard, C.O.- De Tabernaculo foederis, de Sancta Civitate Jerusalem, et de Templo eius. Libri - Bild 5 aus 5
LAMY, Bernard, C.O.- De Tabernaculo foederis, de Sancta Civitate Jerusalem, et de Templo eius. Libri - Bild 1 aus 5
LAMY, Bernard, C.O.- De Tabernaculo foederis, de Sancta Civitate Jerusalem, et de Templo eius. Libri - Bild 2 aus 5
LAMY, Bernard, C.O.- De Tabernaculo foederis, de Sancta Civitate Jerusalem, et de Templo eius. Libri - Bild 3 aus 5
LAMY, Bernard, C.O.- De Tabernaculo foederis, de Sancta Civitate Jerusalem, et de Templo eius. Libri - Bild 4 aus 5
LAMY, Bernard, C.O.- De Tabernaculo foederis, de Sancta Civitate Jerusalem, et de Templo eius. Libri - Bild 5 aus 5
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LAMY, Bernard, C.O.- De Tabernaculo foederis, de Sancta Civitate Jerusalem, et de Templo eius. Libri septem.- Parisiis: Apud Joannem Mariette, 1720.- [7, 7] f., 1361 (i. e. 1360) col., [29] f.: il.; 40 cm.- E., Bernard Lamy (1640-1715), French mathematician, theologian and Oratorian philosopher, born in Le Mans; A supporter of Descartes' ideas, he was censored and forced to leave the college in Angers where he taught, having been rehabilitated at the end of his life. Posthumous edition of his treatise on the Ark of the Covenant, with the text composed in two columns, illustrated with 20 copperplate prints, numbered from I to XX (nine fold-outs), in addition to several figures in the text. The “Index capitum et sectionum” [7 f.] is bound before the text and not at the end, as usual. Lightly handled copy with slight browning, but complete; small wormwholest on the first 30 pages (poorly restored) followed by a small central hole that crosses the first half of the volume. Final pages 1 and 2 with the outside margin burned, without affecting the text. Contemporary binding, full parchment, a little worn and loose from the body, recoverable. Brunet, III, coll. 803.
LAMY, Bernard, C.O.- De Tabernaculo foederis, de Sancta Civitate Jerusalem, et de Templo eius. Libri septem.- Parisiis: Apud Joannem Mariette, 1720.- [7, 7] f., 1361 (i. e. 1360) col., [29] f.: il.; 40 cm.- E., Bernard Lamy (1640-1715), French mathematician, theologian and Oratorian philosopher, born in Le Mans; A supporter of Descartes' ideas, he was censored and forced to leave the college in Angers where he taught, having been rehabilitated at the end of his life. Posthumous edition of his treatise on the Ark of the Covenant, with the text composed in two columns, illustrated with 20 copperplate prints, numbered from I to XX (nine fold-outs), in addition to several figures in the text. The “Index capitum et sectionum” [7 f.] is bound before the text and not at the end, as usual. Lightly handled copy with slight browning, but complete; small wormwholest on the first 30 pages (poorly restored) followed by a small central hole that crosses the first half of the volume. Final pages 1 and 2 with the outside margin burned, without affecting the text. Contemporary binding, full parchment, a little worn and loose from the body, recoverable. Brunet, III, coll. 803.

Antiques and Works of Art, Rare Books, Modern and Contemporary Art

Lose: 1-352
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