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antique vase in bronze and Sèvres marked porcelain with paintings, signed E. FrogerAntieke gedekselde vaas in brons en gemerkt Sèvres-porselein me...

antique 3pc garniture in Sèvres porcelain with a centerpiece with paintings, signed Delys, and a pair of vases, signed RayalAntiek driedelig kasts...

two antique pieces of marked Sèvres porcelain with a bowl with gilded bronze mounting and a dishLot (2) gemerkt Sèvres-porselein met een antieke ...

pair of antique vases in gilded bronze and Sèvres porcelain with painted scenesPaar antieke vazen in gedoreerde brons en Sèvres-porselein met besc...

antique lidded box in "Sèvres Château des Tuileries" marked porcelain with fine paintings, signed LefèvreGedekselde doos in porselein, gemerkt "Sè...

three antique plates in Sèvres porcelain, of which two are markedLot van drie antieke borden in Sèvres-porselein, waarvan er twee gemerkt zijn, me...

antique tea pot with quite a special design in "Meissen" marked porcelainAntieke theepot in porselein, gemerkt "Meissen" (merk vanaf 1774 ?) en ve...

antique oval miniature with its nice brass and bronze frameAntieke ovale miniatuur : "Vrouw met amourtje" - 9,5 x 8 - met mooie kader in gedor...

pendant of two antique miniature portraits, each in a gilded neoclassical framePendant antieke miniaturen met een mans- en een vrouwenportret - ...

two antique oval portrait miniatures (lady and man)Twee antieke ovale miniaturen met een portret van een edeldame en een portret van een gedecoree...

'antique' 3pc neoclassical garniture in marble and gilded bronze with a pair of candelabra and a clock with "S.H. Paris" signed work'Antieke' Fran...

19th Cent. neoclassical Napoleon III wall clock with case in gilded bronze and with face signed "Gille l'Ainé - Paris" and with a "J.E.D." signed ...

18Cent. French Louis XV style clock with its console in "Boulle" with mountings in gilded bronze - with a "Roquelon Paris" signed face and workETI...

antique neoclassical clock with case in rosewood with intarsia and with a thermometer and a "Brocot" signed workAntieke neoclassicistische klok me...

pair of antique Napoleon III candelabra in black marble and partially gilded bronze, each with a cupidPaar antieke kandelaars in Napoleon III-stij...

LAURENT EUGÈNE (1832 - 1898)antique sculpture in bronze - signed Eugène LaurentLAURENT EUGÈNE (1832 - 1898) antieke sculptuur in brons : "Jonge vi...

PICAULT ÉMILE LOUIS (1833 - 1915)antique "Pax et Labor" sculpture in bronze - signed Emile Louis PicaultPICAULT ÉMILE LOUIS (1833 - 1915) antieke ...

antique inkstand in black marble and bronze with two inkwells and a central sculptureAntiek inkstel in zwarte marmer en brons met twee inktpotten ...

MARIN JACQUES (1877 - 1950)early 20th Cent. sculpture in bronze - signed Jacques MarinMARIN JACQUES (1877 - 1950) sculptuur in brons : "Karakterko...

LEVASSEUR HENRI LOUIS (1853 - 1934) antique French sculpture in bronze - signed Henri Louis LevasseurLEVASSEUR HENRI LOUIS (1853 - 1934) antieke ...

MOREAU AUGUSTE (1834 - 1917)two small sculptures in bronze - signed Auguste MoreauMOREAU AUGUSTE (1834 - 1917) twee kleine sculpturen in brons tel...

two small sculptures in bronze, one signed Juan Clara Ayats & one signed Felix Pedro de TaveraLot van twee kleine sculpturen in brons : - getekend...

BARYE ANTOINE LOUIS (1796 - 1875)antique sculpture in bronze - signed Antoine Louis BaryeBARYE ANTOINE LOUIS (1796 - 1875) antieke sculptuur in br...

BUREAU LÉON (1866 - 1906)antique French sculpture in bronze - signed Léon Bureau and with foundry markBUREAU LÉON (1866 - 1906) antieke sculptuur ...

antique "Young Boy" sculpture in Carrara marbleAntieke sculptuur in Carrara-marmer : "Jongetje zittend op een rotsblok" - hoogte : 61,5 cm

JESPERS EMILE (1862 - 1918)19th/20th Cent. Belgian sculpture in terracotta - signed Emile JespersJESPERS EMILE (1862 - 1918) sculptuur in terracot...

18th/19th Cent. French oil on canvas - with an illegible signatureFRANSE SCHOOL - 18°/19° EEUW mooi olieverfschilderij op doek : "Koppeltje bij ...

18th/19th Cent. double sided drawing - signed Jacques Antoine VallinVALLIN JACQUES ANTOINE (ca 1760 - ca 1831) dubbelzijdige potloodtekening met "...

WILLEMS LOUIS (1820 - 1899)19th Cent. Belgian oil on panel - signed Louis WillemsWILLEMS LOUIS (1820 - 1899) olieverfschilderij op paneel met een ...

SCHEFFER ARY (1795 - 1858)19th Cent. French oil on canvas - attributed to Ary Scheffer SCHEFFER ARY (1795 - 1858) (FR) olieverfschilderij op doek ...

GEIRNAERT JOZEF (1790/91 - 1859)important early 19th Cent. Belgian oil on canvas with a Historismus theme "The Arrest of Count Egmont by Alva" wit...

19th Cent. oil on panel - signed Charles Wauters with an old exhibition label on the backWAUTERS CHARLES (1811 - 1869) olieverfschilderij op pane...

VENETSIANOV ALEXEY (1780 - 1847)19th Cent. Russian oil on canvas (on panel) - attributed to Alexey Venetsianov VENETSIANOV ALEXEY (1780 - 1847) 19...

DE BEUL FRANS (1849 - 1919)19/20th Cent. oil on canvas - signed Frans De BeulDE BEUL FRANS (1849 - 1919) olieverfschilderij op doek : "Herderin bi...

SIGNORINI TELEMACO (1835 - 1901) 19th Cent. Italian oil on canvas (on panel) - with a "TS" monogram and attributed to Telemaco Signorini SIGNORINI...

SOROKA GRIGORY (1823 - 1864)19th Cent. Russian oil on paper (on board) - attributed to Grigory Soroka Soroka was a pupil of Venetsianov and this ...

JAKOBIDES GEORGIOS (1853 - 1932) late 19th Cent. Greek oil on canvas - with the monogram of / attributed to Georgios Jakobides JAKOBIDES GEORGIOS ...

BOZNANSKA OLGA (1865 - 1940)19th/20th Cent. Polish oil on canvas - attributed to Olga BoznanskaBOZNANSKA OLGA (1865 - 1940) (Poolse School) olieve...

PRAT HIPPOLYTE (° 1863 - ?) 19th/20th Cent. oil on canvas - with remains of signature by Hippolyte Prat with restoration report (dated 1/12/2021) ...

EVENEPOEL HENRI, JACQUES, EDOUARD (1872 - 1899)late 19th Cent. oil on canvas with an academic male nude study from around 1892 attributed to Henri...

ENSOR JAMES (OOSTENDE 1860 - 1949)James Ensor signed etching (second état) titled "La Gourmandise" - dated 1904 ref : Taevernier 124ENSOR JAMES ...

DE SAEGHER RODOLPHE (1871 - 1941)early 20th Cent. pastel with a caricature of a German soldier during WWl - with the monogram of Rodolphe De Saeg...

HOCH FRANZ XAVER (1869 - 1916)19th Cent. German oil on canvas - signed Franz Xaver HochHOCH FRANZ XAVER (1869 - 1916) (DU) olieverfschilderij op d...

GYSIS NICOLAS (1842 - 1901) 19th Cent. Greek oil on an oval painter's palette with a man's portrait (maybe a self-portrait) - signed (on the back)...

FRANK LUCIEN (1857 - 1920)19th Cent. Belgian oil on panel with a view of Brussels - signed Lucien FrankFRANK LUCIEN (1857 - 1920) olieverfschilder...

THOMSON TOM (1877 - 1917)19th/20th Cent. Canadian oil on canvas (on board) - attributed to Tom ThomsonTHOMSON TOM (1877 - 1917) (Canadese School) ...

VAN CUYCK MICHEL THOMAS (1822 - 1890)late 19th Cent. Belgian oil on canvas - signed Michel Van CuyckVAN CUYCK MICHEL THOMAS (1822 - 1890) olieverf...

GEDLEK LUDWIG (1847 - 1904)19th Cent. Polish oil on panel (in mahogany, marked "Anton Maurer Wien") - signed Ludwig GedlekGEDLEK LUDWIG (1847 - 19...

VERBOECKHOVEN LOUIS (1802 - 1889)19th Cent. Belgian oil on canvas - signed Louis VerboeckhovenVERBOECKHOVEN LOUIS (1802 - 1889) olieverfschilderij...

LIESTE CORNELIS (1817 - 1861)19th Cent. Dutch oil on canvas with a romantic style theme - signed Cornelis LiesteLIESTE CORNELIS (1817 - 1861) (NL)...

HANNETON HENRI (1822 - 1911)19th Cent. oil on panel - signed Henri HannetonHANNETON HENRI (1822 - 1911) olieverfschilderij op paneel : "Koehoudste...

19th Cent. German oil on panel with a view of NürnbergDUITSLAND - 19° EEUW olieverfschilderij op paneel : "Zicht van Nürnberg" - 26 x 30

WATRIN GÉRARD (1860 - 1924)early 20th Cent. Belgian oil on canvas - signed Gérard WatrinWATRIN GÉRARD (1860 - 1924) (Luikse School) olieverfschild...

KLEVER YULIY YULEVITCH (1850 - 1924)early 20th Cent. Russian oil on canvas - signed Yuliy Yulevitch Klever and illegibly datedKLEVER YULIY YULEVIT...

VAN LEEMPUTTEN CORNELIS (1841 - 1902)19th Cent. Belgian oil on panel - signed Cornelis Van Leemputten VAN LEEMPUTTEN CORNELIS (1841 - 1902) olieve...

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