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Eastbourne, East Sussex
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Auction House, Finmere Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN22 8QL , United Kingdom


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  • 2342 Los(e)

Dieses Auktionshaus möchte seine Ergebnisse nicht veröffentlichen. Bitte kontaktieren Sie das Auktionshaus bei Fragen direkt.

A Royal Navy sweetheart embroidered bag circa 1943 together with a North Africa 1942-1943 medal ribbon bar and a black and white photograph of a n...

A collection of militaria relating to Lieutenant John Arthur Bullock (1889-1942) of the Worcestershire Regiment including Military Cross, George V...

Militaria and sundry items including a Welsh slate panel decorated with a bi-plane, inlaid photo frame, miniature silver photo frame and Guinness ...

A small group of militaria to include a white painted tin first aid box, a Badges of HM Services book, two ration books, three RAF badges, a Field...

A collection of military interest books including Battles of World War II, Massacre at Tobruk, Coastal Forces at War, The Battle of Britain: A Nat...

A collection of black and white Carry on Dentist set photographs including Bob Monkhouse, Ronnie Stevens and Shirley Eason with envelope addressed...

Masterpieces of German War Photographers, thirteen black and white photographs of war to circa 1943, 32cm x 24cm (thirteen of twenty five).

A mixed group of various books and notepads including Nicholls's Concise Guide to Board of Trade Examinations, two P&O Branch Service Sight notebo...

A late 19th century stainless steel and silver mounted knife by J. Morton, Oxford Street circa 1899, with an ebonised handle and black leather sil...

Royal Navy Lt Commanders no 1 dress uniform made by Gieves and Hawkes No 1 Saville Row in 1980 with the Falklands War medal ribbon, with Lt Comman...

Eight military interest medallions including French Rally Cyclist's Military, Field Marshal Lord Robson of Kandahara medal, Austrian Mountain Troo...

*****LOT WITHDRAWN**********************A military interest sterling silver and enamel Coldstream Guards officer's cap badge, 3.5cm high, 9.2g.

  • 2342 Los(e)

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