

"Hermes - Foulard "Carre" Modele Musee, 100% soie, du designer Philippe Ledoux, signe Hermes Paris.

In Echoes of the Past : Spring Antiques Auction

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"Hermes - Foulard "Carre" Modele Musee, 100% soie, du designer Philippe Ledoux, signe Hermes Paris. - Bild 1 aus 2
"Hermes - Foulard "Carre" Modele Musee, 100% soie, du designer Philippe Ledoux, signe Hermes Paris. - Bild 2 aus 2
"Hermes - Foulard "Carre" Modele Musee, 100% soie, du designer Philippe Ledoux, signe Hermes Paris. - Bild 1 aus 2
"Hermes - Foulard "Carre" Modele Musee, 100% soie, du designer Philippe Ledoux, signe Hermes Paris. - Bild 2 aus 2
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"Hermes - Foulard "Carre" Modele Musee, 100% soie, du designer Philippe Ledoux, signe Hermes Paris. - Hermes - Foulard "Carre" Modele Musee, 100% soie, du designer Philippe Ledoux, signe Hermes Paris. - La premiere edition de ce modele date de 1962. Ce carre, recherche par les collectionneurs, represente une partie des objets provenant du musee Hermes, et egalement du musee de la marine. - Harnais du second empire, housse de selle du 18°, gouvernail, botte de postillon. Ref Goldfield: GFAD1005 - Poids: 70GR - Mesures: H 850MM X L 890MM Condition : Usure d'usage - Weight: 70 g - Region: France - Sizes: H 850MM X L 890MM"
"Hermes - Foulard "Carre" Modele Musee, 100% soie, du designer Philippe Ledoux, signe Hermes Paris. - Hermes - Foulard "Carre" Modele Musee, 100% soie, du designer Philippe Ledoux, signe Hermes Paris. - La premiere edition de ce modele date de 1962. Ce carre, recherche par les collectionneurs, represente une partie des objets provenant du musee Hermes, et egalement du musee de la marine. - Harnais du second empire, housse de selle du 18°, gouvernail, botte de postillon. Ref Goldfield: GFAD1005 - Poids: 70GR - Mesures: H 850MM X L 890MM Condition : Usure d'usage - Weight: 70 g - Region: France - Sizes: H 850MM X L 890MM"

Echoes of the Past : Spring Antiques Auction

Ort der Versteigerung
Gruuss-Strooss, 19

Lots must be collected from our premises in TONGEREN.

Paid lots are expected to be collected within 15 days of payment. If this time limit is exceeded, the buyer will be required to pay a fee of 5 EUROS per day and per item, inclusive of tax, until the lots are collected.

Wichtige Informationen

GoldField Auction is pleased to invite you to its spring auction ‘Echoes of the Past’, an event dedicated to lovers of art and fine antiques. A refined selection of precious objects, bearing witness to exceptional craftsmanship from Asia, Europe and elsewhere, will be offered for auction.

The highlights of the sale include :

  • A pair of imposing Chinese famille rose porcelain vases from the Qing period, magnificently decorated with scenes of courtesans and rich floral motifs.
  • A painting by Pierre Paulus, Usine sous un ciel éclairé de printemps, in which the artist captures the strength, light and poetry of the Belgian landscape.
  • A delicate nude by Gaston Haustrate, full of finesse and light.
  • A superb Tournai polychrome porcelain ewer, dating from the second half of the XVIIIᵉ century, bearing witness to the refinement of Belgian manufacture.
  • A quality mantelpiece set in the purest Louis XV style, comprising a clock and its two candelabra in chased and patinated gilt bronze, attributed to Léon Messagé with a movement signed E. Colin in Paris.
  • A system bookcase by Gustave Serrurier-Bovy, a perfect blend of ingenuity and elegance.
  • A fine selection of bronzes from Vienna, including pieces by Bergmann, reflecting the talent and realism of this school.
  • A refined selection of jewellery, a veritable treasure trove of craftsmanship and elegance.
  • A Rolex Explorer II, a timeless icon of watchmaking. 

Featuring works of art, precious antiques and collector's items, this auction promises to delight enthusiasts and discerning collectors alike.

Come to GoldField Auction on 22 March to celebrate art and history through exceptional pieces !

The auction date is Saturday 22 March 2025.

The auction start at 01.00 pm (Brussels time).

The auction venue is located at Gruuss-Strooss, 19 - L-9991 WEISWAMPACH (Luxemburg).


It will be possible to bid online on DROUOT DIGITAL, INVALUABLE, SALEROOM and LOT-TISSIMO.

The lots will be on display on 14 and 15 March from 09am to 05pm and on 16 March from 08am to 12am in our new showroom at Maastrichterstraat 152, 3700 Tongeren, Belgium.

Before bidding, if in doubt, please ask for confirmation of the information you consider essential...


The auction date is Saturday March 22th 2025.

The auction start at 1pm (Brussels time).

The auction house is located at Gruuss-Strooss, 19 - L-9991 WEISWAMPACH (Luxemburg).


It will be possible to bid online on DROUOT DIGITAL, INVALUABLE, SALEROOM and LOT-TISSIMO.

The lots will be on display on 14 and 15 March from 09am to 05pm and on 16 March from 08am to 12am in our new showroom at Maastrichterstraat 152, 3700 Tongeren, Belgium.

A. The General Terms and Conditions of Sale apply.

B. The lots will be sold without guarantee, "as is".  Descriptions and information (weight, measurements, material, condition, etc.) are given for information only. (PLEASE CHECK THE INFORMATION YOU CONSIDER ESSENTIAL BEFORE THE SALE).

C. Winning bids will be confirmed to buyers. They will be asked for their choice of payment. Payment for winning lots must be made immediately. In accordance with articles L. 222-4, L. 222-9 and L. 222-10 of the French Consumer Code, the buyer/consumer has a right of withdrawal. The buyer/consumer has a period of 14 days following receipt of the lot(s) purchased to exercise his/her right of withdrawal. After collection of the lot(s), the condition for exercising this right of withdrawal is the request, prior to the sale, for confirmation of the information/description elements that appear essential. The lots are supposed to be collected from our offices in Tongeren. The right of withdrawal does not apply (even if the information has been confirmed) to precious metal items (gold, silver, platinum, ...), precious stones (diamond, pearl, ...) and perishable goods (wine, ...).

D. The purchaser will pay, in addition to the bid, 32% fees (all taxes included).

E. No additional charges linked to the method of payment.


Lots must be collected from our premises in TONGEREN.

F.1. Paid lots are expected to be collected within 15 days of payment. If this time limit is exceeded, the buyer will be required to pay a fee of 5 EUROS per day and per item, inclusive of tax, until the lots are collected.

G. PURCHASE ORDERS : Orders may be placed by letter, Internet or telephone up to 24 hours before the start of each sale.

H. PAYMENT : cash, bank transfer, credit cards, in EUROS.

I. The auction steps are as follows :

- from €1 to €25 : by €1

- from €25 to €50 : by €5

- from €50 to €100 : by €10

- from €100 to €300 : by €20

- from €300 to €1,000 : by €50

- from €1,000 to €2,000 : by €100

- from €2,000 to €4,000 : by €200

- from €4,000 to €10,000 : by €500

- from €10,000 to €100,000 : by €1,000

- from €100,000 to €500,000 : by €5,000

J. RESALE RIGHTS - extract from the grand-ducal regulation of 25 August 2006 on resale rights.

Art. 3 The minimum sale price above which droit de suite is levied is 3,000 euros, exclusive of tax.

The resale right is set as follows :

- 4% for the first 50,000 euros of the sale price, excluding tax

- 3% for the portion of the sale price, excluding tax, between 50,000.01 and 200,000 euros

- 1% for the portion of the sale price, excluding tax, between €200,000.01 and €350,000

- 0.5% for the portion of the sale price, excluding tax, between 350,000.01 and 500,000 euros

- 0.25% for the portion of the sale price, excluding tax, in excess of 500,000 euros.

However, the total amount of droit de suite may not exceed €12,500.

Vollständige AGBs