

Miniature frying pan with fish, Pieter van Somerwil I (1706-1753), Amsterdam 1734, silver.

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Miniature frying pan with fish, Pieter van Somerwil I (1706-1753), Amsterdam 1734, silver. - Bild 1 aus 6
Miniature frying pan with fish, Pieter van Somerwil I (1706-1753), Amsterdam 1734, silver. - Bild 2 aus 6
Miniature frying pan with fish, Pieter van Somerwil I (1706-1753), Amsterdam 1734, silver. - Bild 3 aus 6
Miniature frying pan with fish, Pieter van Somerwil I (1706-1753), Amsterdam 1734, silver. - Bild 4 aus 6
Miniature frying pan with fish, Pieter van Somerwil I (1706-1753), Amsterdam 1734, silver. - Bild 5 aus 6
Miniature frying pan with fish, Pieter van Somerwil I (1706-1753), Amsterdam 1734, silver. - Bild 6 aus 6
Miniature frying pan with fish, Pieter van Somerwil I (1706-1753), Amsterdam 1734, silver. - Bild 1 aus 6
Miniature frying pan with fish, Pieter van Somerwil I (1706-1753), Amsterdam 1734, silver. - Bild 2 aus 6
Miniature frying pan with fish, Pieter van Somerwil I (1706-1753), Amsterdam 1734, silver. - Bild 3 aus 6
Miniature frying pan with fish, Pieter van Somerwil I (1706-1753), Amsterdam 1734, silver. - Bild 4 aus 6
Miniature frying pan with fish, Pieter van Somerwil I (1706-1753), Amsterdam 1734, silver. - Bild 5 aus 6
Miniature frying pan with fish, Pieter van Somerwil I (1706-1753), Amsterdam 1734, silver. - Bild 6 aus 6
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Miniature frying pan with fish, Pieter van Somerwil I (1706-1753), Amsterdam 1734, silver. A very fine 18th century miniature frying pan with two fish in it. The handle is partly silver and partly provided with a black wooden part (not original). Netherlands, Amsterdam, Pieter van Somerwil I, 1734, hallmarks: city hallmark with the year letter Z underneath, maker's mark (tree). 14.2 grams, 934/1000. Dimensions (height x width x depth): 0.5 x 3.5 x 15.2 cm.
Miniature frying pan with fish, Pieter van Somerwil I (1706-1753), Amsterdam 1734, silver. A very fine 18th century miniature frying pan with two fish in it. The handle is partly silver and partly provided with a black wooden part (not original). Netherlands, Amsterdam, Pieter van Somerwil I, 1734, hallmarks: city hallmark with the year letter Z underneath, maker's mark (tree). 14.2 grams, 934/1000. Dimensions (height x width x depth): 0.5 x 3.5 x 15.2 cm.

Juwelen-, Diamanten-, Silber-, Luxusaccessoires- und Uhrenauktion – Frühling 2025

Lose: 1-473
Lose: 474-723
Lose: 724-1101
Ort der Versteigerung
Industrieweg 24
3286 BW

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