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1385 Los(e)/Seite
Dieses Auktionshaus möchte seine Ergebnisse nicht veröffentlichen. Bitte kontaktieren Sie das Auktionshaus bei Fragen direkt.
Hans Bischoffshausen* Untitled
Hans Bischoffshausen* Untitledmixed media on paper; framed, 61 x 86.3 cmsigned on the lower right: Bischoffshausenartist's stamp on the reversepri...
Hans Bischoffshausen* Untitled, 1964black paper, structured, fixed on paper; framed, 39 x 12.5
Hans Bischoffshausen* Untitled, 1964black paper, structured, fixed on paper; framed, 39 x 12.5 cmsigned and dated in the lower center: Bischoffsha...
Hans Bischoffshausen* Untitled, 1964
Hans Bischoffshausen* Untitled, 1964papier sculpté; framed, 25 x 24.5 cmsigned and dated in the lower center: Bischoffshausen 64private property, ...
Hans Bischoffshausen* Untitled, 1960
Hans Bischoffshausen* Untitled, 1960metal casting, 39.5 x 74.5 cmfrom the artist's studio;private collection, AustriaCreated during the execution ...
Oskar Bottoli* The old clown, 1994/95Hungarian red marble, h. 33 cmprivate property, Lower AustriaOskar Bottoli* Der alte Clown, 1994/95Ungarisch-...
Herbert Brandl* Untitled
Herbert Brandl* Untitledoil on paper; framed, 88 x 61 cmprivate collection, AustriaHerbert Brandl* o.T.Öl auf Papier; gerahmt, 88 x 61 cmösterreic...
Herbert Brandl* Untitled
Herbert Brandl* Untitledoil on paper; framed, 88 x 61 cmprivate collection, AustriaHerbert Brandl* o.T.Öl auf Papier; gerahmt, 88 x 61 cmösterreic...
Talos Kedl* Shadow figure, 2019
Talos Kedl* Shadow figure, 2019copper, welded and patinated, h. 72 cmsigned on the side: Talosprivate property, AustriaTalos Kedl* Schattenfigur, ...
Peter Marquant* Untitled, 1978
Peter Marquant* Untitled, 1978oil on canvas; framed, 150 x 160 cmsigned and dated on the lower left: Marquant 78private property, ViennaPeter Marq...
Åžinasi Bozatli* High Seas, 2013
Åžinasi Bozatli* High Seas, 2013acrylic on canvas; framed, 140 x 120 cmsigned and dated in the lower center: Bozatli 13private collection, AustriaÅž...
Franz Grabmayr* Sandpit, 2000
Franz Grabmayr* Sandpit, 2000oil on canvas; unframed, 102 x 140 cmmonogrammed and dated on the reverse: F. G / 2000private property, AustriaFranz ...
Otto Muehl* Untitled ("Rutschbild mit Fetzen"), 1988acrylic on canvas; unframed, 101 x 120.5 cmsigned and dated on the lower right: Muehl 2.8.88pr...
Franz Grabmayr* "Tanzblatt"
Franz Grabmayr* "Tanzblatt"India ink, watercolour on paper; framed, 100 x 70 cmsigned on the lower right: Grabmayrprivate collection, AustriaFranz...
Franz Grabmayr* "Tanzblatt"
Franz Grabmayr* "Tanzblatt"mixed media on paper; framed, 99.5 x 70 cmsigned on the reverse: Grabmayrprivate property, AustriaFranz Grabmayr* Tanzb...
Karl Karner* O & blow plane, 2018aluminium, silicone, coloured, 130 x 95 x 90 cmprivate property, AustriaCertificate is enclosed.Karl Karner* O & ...
Bruno Gironcoli* Bagatelle, 2005
Bruno Gironcoli* Bagatelle, 2005aluminium casting, 38 x 10 x 9 cmpunched and numbered: Gironcoli 40/50caster: Rabas, Viennaproduced by: Galerie El...
Bruno Gironcoli* Bagatelle 2, 2005
Bruno Gironcoli* Bagatelle 2, 2005aluminium casting, 32 x 40 x 10 cmpunched and numbered: Gironcoli 4/30caster: Loderer, Feldbachedition Galerie C...
Herbert Brandl and Loys EggUntitled, 1989oil on canvas, pigment and wooden mountings; unframed,
Herbert Brandl and Loys EggUntitled, 1989oil on canvas, pigment and wooden mountings; unframed, 185.5 x 150 cmsigned and dated on the lower edge: ...
Bruno Gironcoli* Untitled, Portfolio (linen case with 5 screen prints, 1 sculpture: "ear of
Bruno Gironcoli* Untitled, Portfolio (linen case with 5 screen prints, 1 sculpture: "ear of corn"), 1969, ed. 2003 Galerie Krinzinger, Viennascree...
Bruno Gironcoli* Untitled
Bruno Gironcoli* Untitledsilkscreen on paper; framed, 64.5 x 49.5 cmnumbered and signed in the lower centre: 64/100 w. Gironcoliprivate property, ...
Bruno Gironcoli* "Wattebehälter"
Bruno Gironcoli* "Wattebehälter"metal powder paint, India ink and mixed media on paper; framed, 80 x 111 cmsigned and inscribed: Wattebehälter B. ...
Roland Goeschl* Head, between 1957-1960marble, h. 47 cmacquired by Josef Mikl in the 1960s; since 2008 private collection, Viennasolo exhibiton Ro...
Hans Staudacher* Untitled, 1998
Hans Staudacher* Untitled, 1998mixed media on paper; framed, 30.5 x 43 cmsigned and dated on the lower right: H Staudacher 98private property, Aus...
Rudolf Kedl* Venus II, 1957
Rudolf Kedl* Venus II, 1957bronze, h. 80 cmsigned on the side: R. Kedledition: 9 piecesprivate property, AustriaRudolf Kedl* Venus II, 1957Bronze,...
Franz Ringel* Untitled, 1979
Franz Ringel* Untitled, 1979mixed media on paper; framed, 70.5 x 62 cmsigned on the lower right: F. Ringelprivate property, ViennaFranz Ringel* o....
Alfred Kornberger* Untitled, 1987
Alfred Kornberger* Untitled, 1987mixed media on paper; framed, 63 x 49 cm (cut-out)signed and dated on the lower left: Kornberger 87private proper...
Alfred Hrdlicka* Sappho, 1957/72
Alfred Hrdlicka* Sappho, 1957/72bronze, h. 28 cmsigned, dated and numbered on the base: Hrdlicka 52 / 1957/72edition: 52/1.000edition Euro Art, ca...
Hans Staudacher* Untitled, 1979
Hans Staudacher* Untitled, 1979mixed media on paper; framed, 65 x 43 cm (cut-out)signed and dated in the lower center: H Staudacher 79private prop...
Hans Staudacher* Untitled, 1958
Hans Staudacher* Untitled, 1958mixed media on paper; framed, 38 x 26.8 cmsigned and dated on the lower left: H Staudacher 58private property, Aust...
Hans Staudacher* Untitled, 1987/88
Hans Staudacher* Untitled, 1987/88acrylic on canvas; unframed, 100 x 120 cmsigned and dated in the lower center: H. Staudacher 87/88signed and dat...
Adolf Frohner* The dream of the dress, 1999oil on canvas; unframed, 140 x 120 cmsigned and dated on the upper right: Frohner 99inscribed on the re...
Otto Muehl* Untitled, 1983
Otto Muehl* Untitled, 1983oil on canvas, 140 x 100 cmsigned and dated on the lower right: Muehl 83private property, AustriaOtto Muehl* o.T., 1983Ö...
Marc Adrian* Untitled
Marc Adrian* Untitledmixed media on canvas; framed, 72.5 x 72.5 cmsigned on the reverse: Marc Adrianinternational private collectionMarc Adrian* o...
Soshana* Iguasu, 1964
Soshana* Iguasu, 1964oil on canvas; unframed, 80 x 120 cmsigned on the lower left: Soshanainscribed on the reverse: (Gemalt in Mexiko) Iguasupriva...
zurückgezogen / withdrawn
zurückgezogen / withdrawn ...[more]
Otto Muehl* Untitled, (landscape in Burgenland), 1954oil on cardboard; framed, 50 x 72 cm signed and dated on the lower right: Muehl 54acquired di...
Ernst Fuchs* Landscape during a thunderstorm, 1982oil on canvas; framed, 78 x 99 cm (frame clipping),94 x 115 cm (frame)signed and dated on the lo...
Ernst Fuchs* Unicorn, 2009
Ernst Fuchs* Unicorn, 2009oil on canvas; framed, 94 x 59.5 cmsigned and dated on the lower left: Ernst Fuchs 2009private property, GermanyErnst Fu...
Ernst Fuchs* "Maibild", 1949
Ernst Fuchs* "Maibild", 1949etching; unframed, 95 x 52 cm (sheet);73 x 27 cm (plate)numbered, inscribed and signed in the lower center: 22/3, "Mai...
Ernst Fuchs* "Traum der schlafenden Rose", 2002oil on paper on cardboard; framed, 43.5 x 32 cminscribed, signed and dated on the reverse: Traum de...
Ernst Fuchs* Achilles
Ernst Fuchs* Achillesbronze, painted in gold, h. 92 cmunique prototypeprivate property of the artist;private property, Lower AustriaErnst Fuchs* A...
Karl Hodina* Against the wind
Karl Hodina* Against the windoil on panel; framed, 40 x 35 cmsigned on the lower right: Karl Hodinaprivate property, AustriaKarl Hodina* Gegen den...
Arik Brauer* Between two umbrellas, 1969gouache on primed paper; framed, 30.5 x 23 cmsigned on the lower right: Brauerinscribed in the lower cente...
Alfred Kornberger* The three graces, 1995oil on canvas; framed, 110 x 140 cmsigned on the lower right: Kornbergerprivate property, AustriaFranz Sm...
Martha Jungwirth* Untitled, 1994
Martha Jungwirth* Untitled, 1994watercolour on paper; framed, 123 x 88 cmsigned and dated in the lower center: Martha Jungwirth 94private property...
Martha Jungwirth* Untitled, 1994
Martha Jungwirth* Untitled, 1994watercolour on paper; framed, 124 x 88 cmsigned and dated in the lower center: Martha Jungwirth 94private property...
Herbert Brandl* Droum auf da Alm do gibt's koa Sünd..., 1994charcoal on paper; framed, 50 x 70 cm (cut-out)signed and dated on the lower right: Br...
Kurt "kappa" Kocherscheidt* Still life, 1978India ink on paper; framed, 23.5 x 33.5 cmsigned and dated in the lower center: Kappa 78inscribed on t...
Martha Jungwirth* Untitled, 1960
Martha Jungwirth* Untitled, 1960mixed media on paper; unframed, 83.5 x 62.5 cmsigned and dated on the lower right: Martha Jungwirth 60Martha Jungw...
Elke Krystufek* The devil in my kitchen, 1998oil on fabric; unframed, 170 x 140 cminscribed, dated and signed on the reverse: 'The devil in my kit...
Lucia Riccelli* Flow (Triptychon)
Lucia Riccelli* Flow (Triptychon)oil on canvas; unframed, 135 x 70 cm each (in total 210 x 70 cm)each signed, inscribed and numbered on the revers...
Martin Schnur* Edge of the bed study, 2006mixed media on metal plate; framed, 32 x 34 cminscribed, signed and dated on the reverse: "Studie zu Bet...
Thomas Riess* Queen, 2017
Thomas Riess* Queen, 2017oil on canvas; framed, 70 x 60 cminscribed, signed and dated on the reverse: "Königin" Riess 17private property, AustriaT...
Judith Sturm* Untitled, 2005
Judith Sturm* Untitled, 2005oil on acrylic base on canvas; unframed, 120 x 140 cmsigned and dated on the upper right: Judith Sturm 12/05private pr...
Zenita Komad* Don't think, 2006
Zenita Komad* Don't think, 2006mixed media on canvas; unframed, 150 x 100 cmsigned on the reverse: Zenita Komadinscribed at the top of the picture...
Zenita Komad* Untitled, 2005
Zenita Komad* Untitled, 2005mixed media, collage on canvas; unframed, 150 x 110 cmsigned on the reverse: Zenita Komadprivate collection, AustriaZe...
Christian Eisenberger* Untitled, 2009acrylic on canvas; unframed, 100 x 80 cmsigned and dated on the reverse: Eisenberger 2009private collection, ...
Christian Eisenberger* Untitled (smoke picture), 2009smoke picture, soot on paper; framed, 100 x 70 cmsigned and dated on the reverse: Eisenberger...
Arnulf Rainer* Hidden cross (painted over), 1957lithograph, overpainted with oil chalk; framed, 27.4 x 39.8 cmunique onesigned on the lower right:...
Arnulf Rainer* Crooked back
Arnulf Rainer* Crooked backmixed media on silver-gelatine print on aluminium; framed, 27 x 20 cminscribed on the upper right: Krummer Rückenmonogr...

1385 Los(e)/Seite