

[MONET CLAUDE]: (1840-1926) French Impressionist painter. MIRBEAU OCTAVE (1848-1917)


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[MONET CLAUDE]: (1840-1926) French Impressionist painter. MIRBEAU OCTAVE (1848-1917) - Bild 1 aus 2
[MONET CLAUDE]: (1840-1926) French Impressionist painter. MIRBEAU OCTAVE (1848-1917) - Bild 2 aus 2
[MONET CLAUDE]: (1840-1926) French Impressionist painter. MIRBEAU OCTAVE (1848-1917) - Bild 1 aus 2
[MONET CLAUDE]: (1840-1926) French Impressionist painter. MIRBEAU OCTAVE (1848-1917) - Bild 2 aus 2
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[MONET CLAUDE]: (1840-1926) French Impressionist painter. MIRBEAU OCTAVE (1848-1917) French novelist and art critic. An excellent A.L.S., Octave Mirbeau, three pages, 8vo, n.p., n.d., to Claude Monet, in French. Mirbeau commences his letter by thanking Monet a thousand times for a gift (possibly a painting?) and a portrait photograph, remarking ´Les oliviers que je connaissais sont superbes de lumière en dessous, et je me retrouve là-bas, sous leurs branches que j´aime tant. Et quant à votre photographie, qui m´a été aussi une surprise exquise, c´est un chef d´oeuvre. Vous etes, vous tout entier, male, puissant, avec votre oeil qui dompte le soleil.....´ (Translation: ´The olive trees that I knew are superb in the light below, and I find myself there, under their branches that I love so much. And as for your photograph, which was also an exquisite surprise for me, it is a masterpiece. You are, all of you, male, powerful, with your eye taming the sun...´) and continues by trying to lift his friend´s spirits, ´Maintenant, parlons de vous en peu. Est-ce que vraiment vous allez devenir fou, vous? Et vous laisser abattre comme un vulgaire bonhomme? Comment, jamais vous n´avez été en possession de votre art, comme maintenant, et parce que, cette année, le temps vous a contrarié, vous allez tout envoyer promener! Vous le retrouverez le temps qu´il vous faut; et vous ferez d´admirables chefs d´oeuvre. Nom d´un chien, mais c´est enrageant, ce qui vous prend; et cette énergie dont vous avez donné tant de preuves, où donc est-elle maintenant?´ (Translation: ´Now, let's talk about you for a bit. Are you really going to go mad? And let yourself be brought down like a common man? How can you, when you have never been in possession of your art like you are now, and because the weather has upset you this year, you are going to throw it all away! You will find it again in time; and you will produce admirable masterpieces. Damn it, it's infuriating, what's got into you; and that energy of which you have given so much proof, where is it now?´), further writing ´Voulez-vous que je vous dise, mon ami?.......Mais, écoutez-moi bien, il y a aussi une cause purement physique;........les lubies - passagères d´ailleurs - prennent l´homme le mieux trempé. Mais cést pas grave. Il faut vous secouer; et la pire des choses pour vous, est de rester couché des journées entières, comme vous me dites. Il faut secouer cela, rigoureusement. Vous avez eu le plus grand tort de ne pas venir ici. Si vous ne vous sentez pas en veine de travail, encore, il ne faut pas vous acagnarder.........Remuez, voyagez, allez de l´un á l´autre. Vous savez que la maison ici est votre. Pourquoi ne venez-vous pas passer quelques jours?......Venez. Nous causerons de Monet; nous ferons l´article ensemble. Ca ne va pas, non plus, cette affaire-là? Et bien, nous tacherons de la faire aller. J´ai un ami puissant dans le gouvernement, un homme qui deviendra peut-etre, Napoleon.....il nous aidera. Voyons, mon cher Monet, je vous en prie, retrouvez votre belle energie des beaux jours. Moquez-vous de cet idiot de Wolff. Il n´empechera pas que vous etes un grand artiste, et que votre succès se ralentisse. Car vous avez franchi les dures portes, et vous etes en plein horizon. Cela est mathématique. Rien ne peut vous faire perdre les positions conquises, rien que votre découragement et votre inertie´ (Translation: ´Do you want me to tell you, my friend?.......But, listen to me carefully, there is also a purely physical cause;........whims - passing whimss at that - take even the steeliest man. But it doesn't matter. You have to shake yourself awake; and the worst thing for you is to lie in bed for days on end, as you tell me. You have to shake it off, rigorously. You were very wrong not to come here. If you don't feel like working, again, you mustn't hide away.........Stir yourself, travel, go from one to the other. You know that the house here is yours. Why don't you come and spend a few days?......Come. We'll talk about Monet; we'll do the article together. That's not going well either, is it? Well, we'll try to make it work. I have a powerful friend in the government, a man who may become Napoleon... he'll help us. Come now, my dear Monet, I beg you, rediscover your wonderful energy of the good times. Make fun of that idiot Wolff. He will not prevent you from being a great artist, and your success from slowing down. For you have passed through the difficult doors, and you are in full view. This is mathematical. Nothing can make you lose the positions you have conquered, only your discouragement and your inertia´). Mirbeau encourages Monet to write to him soon and let him know that he is feeling better, and also writes of his own current work, ´Mon roman se poursuit; le temps ne me derange guère, et cést stupide ce que je fais. Mais je crois que je deviens philosophe. Je regrette de ne pas faire mieux; mais puisque je ne peux pas, je me fais à la place, une raison. Vous verrez ca bientot, en effet; ce que je vous demanderai, ce sera de ne pas trop me blaguer. Il y avait un péril très grand dans mon livre, c´etait de tomber dans l´enfantillage. Or j´y suis tombé, naturellement´ (Translation: ´My novel is continuing; time doesn't bother me much, and what I'm doing is stupid. But I think I'm becoming philosophical. I regret not doing better; but since I can't, I'll make myself a reason instead. You'll see that soon enough; what I'll ask of you is not to joke too much with me. There was a very great danger in my book, which was to fall into childishness. Well, I fell into it, naturally´) and concludes his letter by again writing with positivity, ´Ce que je vous dis est la vérité pure. Mde. Hoschedé a du vous le dire certainement. Le seul danger, c´est de vous laisser aller à des découragements, que vous n´avez pas le droit d´avoir. Voyons, quand venez-vous? Toute de suite, hein! Je vous embrasse tendrement; me femme qui vient de lire ma lettre, dit qu´elle est illisible, et écrite betement; mais, tout de meme, elle l´approuve.
Merci encore, mon cher ami, de votre superbe et trop magnifique don, merci de votre photographie. Et méditez ce que je vous raconte dans ma lettre, qui est, en effet, stupidement tournée, mais qui est, tout de meme, un che f´oeuvre de raison´
(Translation: ´What I'm telling you is the absolute truth. Mrs Hoschedé must have told you that. The only danger is that you will become discouraged, which you have no right to do. Come on, when are you coming? Right away, eh! I send you my warmest regards; my wife, who has just read my letter, says it is illegible and badly written, but she approves it all the same. Thank you again, my dear friend, for your superb and magnificent gift, thank you for your photograph. And meditate on what I tell you in my letter, which is, indeed, stupidly worded, but which is, all the same, a masterpiece of reason´). A letter of excellent content and association from Mirbeau to Monet, the artist whom he sang the praises of. VG

Mirbeau´s mention of Napoleon in the present letter is evidently a reference to Georges Clemenceau (1841-1929) French Prime Minister 1906-09, 1917-20. Clemenceau was a long-time friend and supporter of the impressionist painter, writing a short biography on the artist, and was also instrumental in persuading Monet to have a cataract operation in 1923.

The source of Monet´s apparent depression may well have been the French writer and art critic Albert Wolff (1825-1891), mentioned in the present letter. Wolff strongly opposed Impressionism and an 1876 Impressionist Exhibition (at which Monet displayed eighteen paintings).

[MONET CLAUDE]: (1840-1926) French Impressionist painter. MIRBEAU OCTAVE (1848-1917) French novelist and art critic. An excellent A.L.S., Octave Mirbeau, three pages, 8vo, n.p., n.d., to Claude Monet, in French. Mirbeau commences his letter by thanking Monet a thousand times for a gift (possibly a painting?) and a portrait photograph, remarking ´Les oliviers que je connaissais sont superbes de lumière en dessous, et je me retrouve là-bas, sous leurs branches que j´aime tant. Et quant à votre photographie, qui m´a été aussi une surprise exquise, c´est un chef d´oeuvre. Vous etes, vous tout entier, male, puissant, avec votre oeil qui dompte le soleil.....´ (Translation: ´The olive trees that I knew are superb in the light below, and I find myself there, under their branches that I love so much. And as for your photograph, which was also an exquisite surprise for me, it is a masterpiece. You are, all of you, male, powerful, with your eye taming the sun...´) and continues by trying to lift his friend´s spirits, ´Maintenant, parlons de vous en peu. Est-ce que vraiment vous allez devenir fou, vous? Et vous laisser abattre comme un vulgaire bonhomme? Comment, jamais vous n´avez été en possession de votre art, comme maintenant, et parce que, cette année, le temps vous a contrarié, vous allez tout envoyer promener! Vous le retrouverez le temps qu´il vous faut; et vous ferez d´admirables chefs d´oeuvre. Nom d´un chien, mais c´est enrageant, ce qui vous prend; et cette énergie dont vous avez donné tant de preuves, où donc est-elle maintenant?´ (Translation: ´Now, let's talk about you for a bit. Are you really going to go mad? And let yourself be brought down like a common man? How can you, when you have never been in possession of your art like you are now, and because the weather has upset you this year, you are going to throw it all away! You will find it again in time; and you will produce admirable masterpieces. Damn it, it's infuriating, what's got into you; and that energy of which you have given so much proof, where is it now?´), further writing ´Voulez-vous que je vous dise, mon ami?.......Mais, écoutez-moi bien, il y a aussi une cause purement physique;........les lubies - passagères d´ailleurs - prennent l´homme le mieux trempé. Mais cést pas grave. Il faut vous secouer; et la pire des choses pour vous, est de rester couché des journées entières, comme vous me dites. Il faut secouer cela, rigoureusement. Vous avez eu le plus grand tort de ne pas venir ici. Si vous ne vous sentez pas en veine de travail, encore, il ne faut pas vous acagnarder.........Remuez, voyagez, allez de l´un á l´autre. Vous savez que la maison ici est votre. Pourquoi ne venez-vous pas passer quelques jours?......Venez. Nous causerons de Monet; nous ferons l´article ensemble. Ca ne va pas, non plus, cette affaire-là? Et bien, nous tacherons de la faire aller. J´ai un ami puissant dans le gouvernement, un homme qui deviendra peut-etre, Napoleon.....il nous aidera. Voyons, mon cher Monet, je vous en prie, retrouvez votre belle energie des beaux jours. Moquez-vous de cet idiot de Wolff. Il n´empechera pas que vous etes un grand artiste, et que votre succès se ralentisse. Car vous avez franchi les dures portes, et vous etes en plein horizon. Cela est mathématique. Rien ne peut vous faire perdre les positions conquises, rien que votre découragement et votre inertie´ (Translation: ´Do you want me to tell you, my friend?.......But, listen to me carefully, there is also a purely physical cause;........whims - passing whimss at that - take even the steeliest man. But it doesn't matter. You have to shake yourself awake; and the worst thing for you is to lie in bed for days on end, as you tell me. You have to shake it off, rigorously. You were very wrong not to come here. If you don't feel like working, again, you mustn't hide away.........Stir yourself, travel, go from one to the other. You know that the house here is yours. Why don't you come and spend a few days?......Come. We'll talk about Monet; we'll do the article together. That's not going well either, is it? Well, we'll try to make it work. I have a powerful friend in the government, a man who may become Napoleon... he'll help us. Come now, my dear Monet, I beg you, rediscover your wonderful energy of the good times. Make fun of that idiot Wolff. He will not prevent you from being a great artist, and your success from slowing down. For you have passed through the difficult doors, and you are in full view. This is mathematical. Nothing can make you lose the positions you have conquered, only your discouragement and your inertia´). Mirbeau encourages Monet to write to him soon and let him know that he is feeling better, and also writes of his own current work, ´Mon roman se poursuit; le temps ne me derange guère, et cést stupide ce que je fais. Mais je crois que je deviens philosophe. Je regrette de ne pas faire mieux; mais puisque je ne peux pas, je me fais à la place, une raison. Vous verrez ca bientot, en effet; ce que je vous demanderai, ce sera de ne pas trop me blaguer. Il y avait un péril très grand dans mon livre, c´etait de tomber dans l´enfantillage. Or j´y suis tombé, naturellement´ (Translation: ´My novel is continuing; time doesn't bother me much, and what I'm doing is stupid. But I think I'm becoming philosophical. I regret not doing better; but since I can't, I'll make myself a reason instead. You'll see that soon enough; what I'll ask of you is not to joke too much with me. There was a very great danger in my book, which was to fall into childishness. Well, I fell into it, naturally´) and concludes his letter by again writing with positivity, ´Ce que je vous dis est la vérité pure. Mde. Hoschedé a du vous le dire certainement. Le seul danger, c´est de vous laisser aller à des découragements, que vous n´avez pas le droit d´avoir. Voyons, quand venez-vous? Toute de suite, hein! Je vous embrasse tendrement; me femme qui vient de lire ma lettre, dit qu´elle est illisible, et écrite betement; mais, tout de meme, elle l´approuve.
Merci encore, mon cher ami, de votre superbe et trop magnifique don, merci de votre photographie. Et méditez ce que je vous raconte dans ma lettre, qui est, en effet, stupidement tournée, mais qui est, tout de meme, un che f´oeuvre de raison´
(Translation: ´What I'm telling you is the absolute truth. Mrs Hoschedé must have told you that. The only danger is that you will become discouraged, which you have no right to do. Come on, when are you coming? Right away, eh! I send you my warmest regards; my wife, who has just read my letter, says it is illegible and badly written, but she approves it all the same. Thank you again, my dear friend, for your superb and magnificent gift, thank you for your photograph. And meditate on what I tell you in my letter, which is, indeed, stupidly worded, but which is, all the same, a masterpiece of reason´). A letter of excellent content and association from Mirbeau to Monet, the artist whom he sang the praises of. VG

Mirbeau´s mention of Napoleon in the present letter is evidently a reference to Georges Clemenceau (1841-1929) French Prime Minister 1906-09, 1917-20. Clemenceau was a long-time friend and supporter of the impressionist painter, writing a short biography on the artist, and was also instrumental in persuading Monet to have a cataract operation in 1923.

The source of Monet´s apparent depression may well have been the French writer and art critic Albert Wolff (1825-1891), mentioned in the present letter. Wolff strongly opposed Impressionism and an 1876 Impressionist Exhibition (at which Monet displayed eighteen paintings).


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