Teller, China, blau-weiß, wohl Ming-Dynastie, Altersspuren, D 25,5 cm und Schale, China, wohl
Teller, China, blau-weiß, wohl Ming-Dynastie, Altersspuren, D 25,5 cm und Schale, China, wohl Ming, D 10,5 cm, H 4,5 cm
Teller, China, blau-weiß, wohl Ming-Dynastie, Altersspuren, D 25,5 cm und Schale, China, wohl Ming, D 10,5 cm, H 4,5 cm
Kumme, China im Stil Ming Dynastie/ 19. Jh.Porzellan m. Blaumalerei-Dekor. Halbkugelige Schale m. ausschwingendem Rand, auf Standring. Wandung auß...
Buddha Amitayus, wohl China/ Ming-Zeit.Bronze, braun patiniert. Im Meditationssitz, Gewandfalten auf dem Boden auslaufend, die Hände in dhyana mud...
Kleines Royal Blue Deckeldöschen, wohl Ming-Periode, China.Feines Wellendekor in Dunkelblau auf Meerblau. Innen hell glasiert.Höhe insgesamt 4 cm,...
Zwei Porzellan-Tazza, wohl Ming-Periode, China.Bemalung in Blau, Dekor Drachen und vegetabil.Wurden auch als Opferschalen verwendet, wohl für den ...
Zwei Bowl-Reisschalen, wohl Ming Periode, China.Blau bemaltes Porzellan mit Drachen- und Blumen-Dekor.Eine Schale wohl neuer. Durchmesser jeweils ...
Ca. AD 1368 - 1644 or later. A pottery pig figure is poised atop a rectangular base left unglazed. The pig itself is adorned with a lustrous green...
Ca. AD 1368 - 1644 or later. A sheep figure elegantly posed atop an integral rectangular base. The animal, save for its hooves, which are painted ...
Possibly Ming Dynasty, Ca. AD 1368 - 1644. A bronze ritual pouring vessel with a squat body resting on four slender legs. The finely decorated mai...
Ca. AD 1368 - 1644 or later. A pottery figure portraying a female attendant standing on an integral two-stepped base, clad in a heavy and volumino...
Ca. AD 1368 - 1644 or later. A hollow moulded rooster figure poised in a standing position, emerging from an oval base. The bird exhibits layers o...
Ca. 14th century AD. A glazed pottery dish imitating the Ming Dynasty porcelain style resting upon a circular base. The interior is embellished wi...
A antique Chinese Blue and White Porcelain Gu Vase, recovered from a sea excavation. Hand-painted floral and landscape motifs, featuring a trumpe...
A Chinese Antique Brass Oil Strainer Pan, Likely Yuan or Ming Dynasty. Brass exterior with engraved slotted design, aged patina, and curved side h...
Figura Taoista Bronzo e base in legno, leggere tracce di doratura e pittura a freddo Cina, Dinastia Ming, XVI/XVII secolo h 24 cmA Taoist figure ...
Figur eines Würdenträgers mit Sancaiglasur aus der Ming-ZeitTerrakotta mit hellgrüner und okergelber Glasur. Auf Terrainsockel stehende Figur eine...
Bronze Boddhisattva. Ming Periode. China. H 25 cm. 4,2 kg. Guanyin, im Meditationssitz, auf doppeltem Lotosthron. Die Hand...
A Ming dynasty porcelain uderglazed red ceramic box / seal paste box with cover. The square-shaped box decorated with two playful children in the ...
A pair of Langyao red sang de boeuf glazed porcelain bottle vases with cover. Each bulbous shaped vase decorated with an eyelet, lower the neck ha...
A small Ming dynasty blue and white stoneware wine ewer / water pot. The ewer / water pot / jar decorated with four loop handles, a spout ans abst...
A Ming dynasty Chizhou pottery vase. The baluster shaped vase has a straight neck rim with two loop handles, painted with flowers and foliage to t...
A famille verte "Dragon" meiping vase. The baluster-shaped vase decorated with four twisted lug handles on the shoulder, two srolls of foliage on ...
A Ming Chenghua mark eggshell porcelain doucai tea bowl. The teacup / tea bowl handpainted with polychrome pine trees and cherry blossom trees six...
A Ming Sino-Tibetan bronze figure of Guanyin, the Goddess of Mercy is shown seated dressed cross-legged in loose, flowing robes, the tiered crown,...
A Ming Xuande mark rich sacrificial blue and white reverse-decorated 'Dragon' bianhu moon flask vase. The gourd of round shape with a flat base an...
A Ming style blue and white ceramic lidded "Dragon" ewer. The globular body decorated with a three-claws dragon and clouds, with a lion finial lid...
An early 20th century cloisonne brush washer. The circular brush washer decorated with black enamelled fish scale pattern with a medallion geometr...
Ming Dynasty, 1368-1644 A.D. or later. Carved in a reclining position with its head turned to the side, bulging eyes and a fierce expression with ...
Ming Dynasty, 1368-1644 A.D. or later. Set comprising: two hollow-formed glaze figures of guards standing erect with left arm bent and hand hollow...
Ming Dynasty, 1368-1644 A.D. or later. Seated in an attitude of tranquil ease, right arm resting on the raised right knee and left one supporting ...
Ming Dynasty, 1368-1644 A.D. or later. Standing erect on a tiered square base, wearing a floor-length robe and with elaborately dressed hair, righ...
Ming Dynasty, 1368-1644 A.D or later. Standing figure in floor-length tiered robes, hands folded across the chest supporting a lamb; separate head...
Ming Dynasty, 1368-1644 A.D. Carved in the depicting a robed traveller on a donkey; the figure wearing an ankle-length robe and faceted cap, the a...
Ming Dynasty, 1368-1644 A.D or later. Standing figure in calf-length tiered robes, hands folded across the chest supporting a rooster; separate he...
Ming Dynasty, 1368-1644 A.D. or later. Both standing on a rectangular base in a wide stance, wearing conical hats, boots and black cross-over robe...
Ming Dynasty, 1368-1644 A.D. or later. Comprising: a hollow-formed glazed ceramic horse standing on a rectangular base, with detailed saddlecloth,...
Ming Dynasty The scalloped rim above alternating panels of deer amid foliage, the bowl with alternating panels of floral sprigs and fruit above a ...
Blauweiß-Dreifußbrenner, wohl Ming-Zeit, China 15. Jh.Rundes Porzellan-Räucherbecken mit Handhaben in Maskenform, bemalt mit Vögeln auf Früchte tr...
Blauweiß-Räucherbecken mit Fenghuang, Wanli-Zeit der Ming-Dynastie, China um 1600Porzellantopf in leicht gebauchter Tonnenform, drei plastische Ma...
Altarvase und zwei Räucherwerk-Brenner der Ming- und Qing-Zeiten, China 16.-19. Jh.Hexagonale Bronzevase mit feinem Brokatmuster und durchbrochen ...
Kleinbronze eines Löwen, chinesische Ming-Zeit oder früherRuhender Löwe aus Bronze mit Resten der Vergoldung und Kupferbildung, 3,1 x 5,4 x 2,4 cm
Große Blauweiß-Schale, Swatow-Ware der Ming-Zeit um 1600Weite Schale mit Phönix zwischen Blumen, auf Rand weitere Blüten in Feldereinteilung, Zhan...
Bodhisattva Wenshu auf Löwen, Bronzeplastik der Ming-Zeit, China 16./17. Jh. Der Bodhisattva der Weisheit (Sanskr.: Manjushri) in bhadrasana auf e...
Wucai Drachenvase mit Wanli-Marke, Ausführung wohl Qing-Zeit, China 18./19. Jh.Porzellanvase in archaischer Form Zun, in den "fünf Farben" bemalt...