Gemälde & Mischtechniken

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  • International Autograph Auctions Europe S.L. (12)
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  • 12 Los(e)

MONET CLAUDE: (1840-1926) French Impressionist painter. A fine A.L.S., Claude Monet, three pages, 8vo, Etretat, 27th October 1885, to Camille Piss...

REDON ODILON: (1840-1916) French Symbolist Artist. A.L.S., `Odilon Redon´, one page, 12mo, n.p., Thursday, November, n.y., in French. Redon refers...

MATHIEU GEORGES: (1921-2012) French Painter. Considered one of the founders of the Lyric Abstraction. Signed postcard photograph by Mathieu `Avec ...

HOCKNEY DAVID: (1937- ) English painter, an important contributor to the pop art movement in the 1960s. Signed colour 4 x 6 postcard, the image be...

GAINSBOROUGH THOMAS: (1727-1788) English painter. A rare A.L.S., Mr Gainsborough, in the third person, one page, oblong 8vo, n.p., n.d. (´Sat. mor...

MONET CLAUDE: (1840-1926) French Impressionist painter. A poignant A.L.S., Claude Monet, three pages, 8vo, Giverny par Vernon, Eure, 27th May 1899...

Los 788


PET SHOP BOYS: Signed colour 10 x 8 photograph by both members of the English synth-pop duo the Pet Shop Boys individually, comprising Neil Tennan...

MAGRITTE RENÉ: (1898-1967) Belgian Surrealist Artist. His work has influenced Pop Art and Minimalist Art. A.L.S., `René´, one page, to a postcard ...

SISLEY ALFRED: (1839-1899) British Impressionist landscape painter. A.L.S., A. Sisley, one page, 8vo, Moret-sur-Loing, Monday, n.y., to a friend (...

GUTTINGUER ULRIC: (1787-1866) French poet and novelist. A.L., unsigned, four pages, 8vo, Saint-Germain, 9th March 1839, to Adèle Hugo (´Ma chere M...

HARTUNG HANS: (1904-1989) German-French painter. Signed colour 4 x 6 postcard, the image being a reproduction of Hartung´s abstract oil on canvas ...

MONET CLAUDE: (1840-1926) French Impressionist painter. An important collection of three outstanding A.Ls.S. by Monet to various correspondents, i...


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