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  • International Autograph Auctions Europe S.L. (6)
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  • 6 Los(e)

ACADEMY AWARD NOMINEES: A good selection of signed colour 8 x 10 photographs by various actresses, each of them Best Actress Oscar nominees in the...

MILAN I: (1854-1901) King of Serbia 1882-89. A brief A.L.S., Milan, one page, 8vo, n.p., 13/25th November (1887), to [Hugh] Wyndham, on the King's...

ESTRADA PALMA TOMAS: (1835-1908) First President of Cuba 1902-1906, and previously during the Ten Year´s War. Remembered for allowing the Platt Am...

ROUSSELET DE CHATEAURENAULT FRANCOIS LOUIS: (1637-1716) French Vice Admiral and Marshal of France who saw action in the Franco-Spanish War, the Ni...

FRENCH LITERATURE: Alexandre Dumas fils (1824-1895) French author and playwright. The personal printed oblong 12mo Visiting Card of Dumas fils, un...

SLAVERY - MAURITIUS: Philippe Jean de la Haye Duponsel (1752-1790) French slave trader established in Mauritius, which was called at that time, ''...


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